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Importation and correction of OMEGA/MEx observations from binaries files.


Bases: Exception

Exception raised if encounter an issue when reading the OMEGA/MEx cube binaries data.

Source code in omegapy/
def __init__(self, message):
    self.message = message

omega_data.OMEGAdata(obs='', empty=False, data_path='_omega_bin_path', corrV=True, corrL=True, disp=True)

Importation of OMEGA/MEx observation.


Name Type Description Default
obs str

The name of the OMEGA observation.

empty bool

If True, return an empty OMEGAdata object.

data_path str

The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) and navigation (.NAV) files.

corrV bool

If True, compute the correction on the visible channel (Vis).

corrL bool

If True, compute the correction on the long-IR channel (L).

disp bool

Enable or disable the display of informations during the file reading.
| True → Enable display.



Name Type Description
name str

The observation ID.

lam 1D array

The wavelength array (in µm).

cube_i 3D array

The hyperspectral data cube in physical units (µm-1).
dim : [X, Y, wvl]

cube_rf 3D array

The I/F ratio hyperspectral data cube.
dim : [X, Y, wvl]

ls float

The Solar longitude of the observation (deg).

lat 2D array

The latitude of each pixel (deg).
C & L channels

lon 2D array

The longitude of each pixel (deg).
C & L channels

alt 2D array

The elevation of the pixel footprint center point from MOMA topography (km).
C & L channels

loct 2D array of floats

The array of the local time for each pixel of the observation.

my int

The Martian Year number at the time of the observation.

emer 2D array

The angle of emergent line (from the surface) (deg).
W.r.t. the outward normal to the reference ellipsoid.
C & L channels

inci 2D array

The incidence angle at the surface (deg).
W.r.t. the outward normal to the reference ellipsoid.
C & L channels

emer_n 2D array

The angle of emergent line (from the surface) (deg).
W.r.t. the local normal.
C & L channels

inci_n 2D array

The incidence angle at the surface (deg).
W.r.t. the local normal.
C & L channels

specmars 1D array

The Solar radiation spectrum on Mars (µm-1).

utc datetime

The average UTC time of the observation.

ic dict

The index of the used spectral pixels for each channel.

lat_grid 2D array

The latitude grid of the observation (from the edge of the pixels).
C & L channels

lon_grid 2D array

The longitude grid of the observation (from the edge of the pixels).
C & L channels

surf_temp 2D array

The retrieved surface temperature of each pixel (from the thermal correction).

sensor_temp_c 1D array

The temperature of the sensor for each line of the (for the C-channel).

sensor_temp_l 1D array

The temperature of the sensor for each line of the (for the L-channel).

saturation_c 2D array

Information about the saturation of the C-channel.

saturation_vis 2D array

Information about the saturation of the Vis-channel.

ref_C 2D array

Average reflectance at λ = 1.285/1.299/1.314 μm, to be compared with ecl_n = cos(inci_n) to check the geometry spatial calibration.

lat_v 2D array

The latitude of each pixel (deg).
V channel

lon_v 2D array

The longitude of each pixel (deg).
V channel

alt_v 2D array

The elevation of the pixel footprint center point from MOMA topography (km).
V channel

emer_n_v 2D array

The angle of emergent line (from the surface) (deg).
W.r.t. the local normal.
V channel

inci_n_v 2D array

The incidence angle at the surface (deg).
W.r.t. the local normal.
V channel

lat_grid_v 2D array

The latitude grid of the observation (from the edge of the pixels).
V channel

lon_grid_v 2D array

The longitude grid of the observation (from the edge of the pixels).
V channel

summation int

The downtrack summing.

bits_per_data float

The compression rate in bits per data.

data_quality int

Information about the data quality, from 0 to 5 depending on missing lines and compression errors.
(See SOFT10_readme.txt or the online documentation for more details.)

lrec int

The number of bytes in each physical record in the data product file.

nrec int

The number of physical records that make up the PDS product label.

sol_dist float

The distance between the center of the observation and the Sun (km).

sol_dist_au float

The distance between the center of the observation and the Sun (a.u.).

npixel int

The number of pixels of the length of scan (can be 16, 32, 64, or 128 pixels).

nscan int

Number of scanned pixel lines.

npara int

Number of parameters describing the geometry of the observation.

point_mode str

The pointing mode of the instrument.

target str

The name of the target of the observation ('MARS', 'PHOBOS' or 'DEIMOS').

mode_channel int

Information about the presence of each channel.

orient array

The vector orientation of the spacecraft.

subsol_lat float

Latitude of the sub-solar point at observation time (deg).

subsol_lon float

Longitude of the sub-solar point at observation time (deg).

min_lat float

Southernmost latitude of the observation (deg).

max_lat float

Northernmost latitude of the observation (deg).

min_lon float

Easternmost longitude of the observation (deg).

max_lon float

Westernmost longitude of the observation (deg).

slant float

Distance from the spacecraft to the center of the observation along the line of sight (km).

focal_plane_temperatures dict

Temperatures of the C, L, V detectors (K).

spectrometer_temperatures dict

Temperatures of the C, L, V spectrometers (K).

quality int

The quality level of the cube.
| 0: corrupted
| 1: good
| 128 : corrupted mode 128

therm_corr bool

| True → Thermal correction applied.
| False → No thermal correction.

therm_corr_infos dict

Information about the thermal correction (date, method).

atm_corr bool

| True → Atmospheric correction applied.
| False → No atmospheric correction.

atm_corr_infos dict

Information about the atmospheric correction (date, method).

corrV bool

Correction state of the visible channel (Vis).

corrL bool

Correction state of the long-IR channel (L).

version int

The major release version of the file used.

add_infos str

Additional informations about the observation.
Shown in the OMEGAdata representation.

Source code in omegapy/
def __init__(self, obs='', empty=False, data_path="_omega_bin_path", corrV=True, corrL=True, disp=True):
    # Default paths
    if data_path == "_omega_bin_path":
        data_path = _omega_bin_path
    # Infos
    self.version = int(_Version)
    self.therm_corr = False
    self.atm_corr = False
    self.therm_corr_infos = {'datetime': None, 'method': None}
    self.atm_corr_infos = {'datetime': None, 'method': None}
    self.quality = 1
    self.add_infos = ''

    if not empty:
        obs_name = uf.myglob(os.path.join(data_path, '**', '*' + obs + '*.QUB'), recursive=True)
        if obs_name is None:
            empty = True

    if empty:
        # Data = ''
        self.corrV = None
        self.corrL = None
        self.lam = np.array([])
        self.cube_i = np.array([[[]]])
        self.cube_rf = np.array([[[]]]) = np.nan = np.array([[]])
        self.lon = np.array([[]])
        self.alt = np.array([[]])
        self.loct = np.array([[]])
        self.emer = np.array([[]])
        self.emer_n = np.array([[]])
        self.inci = np.array([[]])
        self.inci_n = np.array([[]])
        self.specmars = np.array([])
        self.utc = = np.nan
        self.orbit = None
        self.surf_temp = np.array([[]])
        self.ic = {'V' : np.arange(265, 333),
                   'C' : np.arange(8, 123),
                   'L' : np.arange(137, 256)}
        self.lon_grid = np.array([[]])
        self.lat_grid = np.array([[]])
        self.sensor_temp_c = np.array([])
        self.sensor_temp_l = np.array([])
        self.saturation_c = np.array([[]])
        self.saturation_vis = np.array([[]])
        self.surf_temp = np.array([[]])
        self.summation = None
        self.bits_per_data = None
        self.data_quality = None
        self.mode_channel = None
        self.lat_v = np.array([[]])
        self.lon_v = np.array([[]])
        self.alt_v = np.array([[]])
        self.emer_n_v = np.array([[]])
        self.inci_n_v = np.array([[]])
        self.lon_grid_v = np.array([[]])
        self.lat_grid_v = np.array([[]])
        self.focal_plane_temperatures = {'V' : None, 'C' : None, 'L' : None}
        self.spectrometer_temperatures = {'V' : None, 'C' : None, 'L' : None}
        # Nav
        self.lrec = None
        self.nrec = None
        self.sol_dist = None
        self.sol_dist_au = None
        self.npixel = None
        self.npara = None
        self.nscan = None
        self.point_mode = None
        self.orient = np.array([])
        self.subsol_lon = None
        self.subsol_lat = None
        self.min_lat = None
        self.max_lat = None
        self.min_lon = None
        self.max_lon = None
        self.slant = None = None
        # Ajout pour correction position
        self.ref_C = np.array([[]])

        nomfic0 = os.path.split(obs_name)[1][:-4]   # Récupération nom + décodage UTF-8
        data_path_qub = os.path.split(obs_name)[0]  # Récupération chemin dossier (utile si récursif)
        nomgeo = obs_name[:-4] + '.NAV'
        if os.path.exists(nomgeo):
            data_path_nav = data_path_qub
            nomgeo = uf.myglob(os.path.join(data_path, '**', '*' + obs + '*.NAV'), recursive=True)
            if nomgeo is None:
                raise CubeError('No corresponding NAV cube {0:s}'.format(nomfic0 + '.NAV'))
                data_path_nav = os.path.split(nomgeo)[0]
        data_dict, geom_dict = _readomega(nomfic0, disp=disp, corrV=corrV, corrL=corrL, 
                                          data_path_qub=data_path_qub, data_path_nav=data_path_nav)

        if disp:
            print("\n\033[01;34mComputing data extraction and correction...\033[0m", end=' ')
        # Extract values
        ldat = data_dict['ldat']
        jdat = data_dict['jdat']
        wvl = data_dict['wvl']
        ic = data_dict['ic']
        specmars = data_dict['specmars']
        lat = geom_dict['latitude']
        lon = geom_dict['longitude']
        alt = geom_dict['altitude']
        emer = geom_dict['emergence']
        emer_n = geom_dict['emergence_norm']
        inci = geom_dict['incidence']
        inci_n = geom_dict['incidence_norm']
        utc = geom_dict['ut_time']
        temperature_c = geom_dict['temperature_c']
        temperature_l = geom_dict['temperature_l']
        saturation_c = geom_dict['saturation_c']
        saturation_vis = geom_dict['saturation_vis']
        lon_px = geom_dict['lon_grid']
        lat_px = geom_dict['lat_grid']
        lat_V = geom_dict['latitude_v']
        lon_V = geom_dict['longitude_v']
        alt_V = geom_dict['altitude_v']
        emer_n_V = geom_dict['emergence_norm_v']
        inci_n_V = geom_dict['incidence_norm_v']
        lon_px_V = geom_dict['lon_grid_v']
        lat_px_V = geom_dict['lat_grid_v']
        # Correction of OMEGA data (same as
        ic_C= ic[(ic >= 8) & (ic <= 122)]        # IR short (voie C)
        ic_L = ic[(ic >= 137) & (ic <= 255)]     # IR long (voie L)
        ic_V = ic[(ic >= 265) & (ic <= 332)]     # visible
        ic2 = np.concatenate([ic_V, ic_C, ic_L])
        lam = wvl[ic2]
        specmars = specmars[ic2]
        lam_mask_all = deepcopy(lam)
        lam_mask_all[:] = True
        lam_mask = {'all' : lam_mask_all}
        # orbit_nb = int(nomfic0[3:-2])
        orbnum = int.from_bytes(str.encode(nomfic0[3]), byteorder='big') - 48
        if orbnum > 9:
            orbnum -= 7
        orbit_nb = 1000 * orbnum + int(nomfic0[4:7])
        # Cube in physical units (µm-1)
        cube_i = jdat[:, ic2, :]
        # Cube of reflectance factor I/F
        cube_rf = ldat[:, ic2, :]
        # Cube as [X, Y, lam]
        cube_i2 = np.swapaxes(cube_i, 1, 2)
        cube_rf2 = np.swapaxes(cube_rf, 1, 2)
        # Observation UTC date & time
        Y, M, D, h, m, s = np.median(utc[:,:6], axis=0).astype(np.int64)
        utc_dt = datetime.datetime(Y, M, D, h, m, s)
        # Longitude pixels grid
        ny, nx = lon.shape
        lon_grid = np.zeros((ny+1, nx+1))
        lon_grid[1:,1:] = lon_px[:,:,0]
        lon_grid[1:,0] = lon_px[:,0,1]
        lon_grid[0,1:] = lon_px[0,:,3]
        lon_grid[0,0] = lon_px[0,0,2]
        lon_grid_V = np.zeros((ny+1, nx+1))
        lon_grid_V[1:,1:] = lon_px_V[:,:,0]
        lon_grid_V[1:,0] = lon_px_V[:,0,1]
        lon_grid_V[0,1:] = lon_px_V[0,:,3]
        lon_grid_V[0,0] = lon_px_V[0,0,2]
        # Latitude pixels grid
        lat_grid = np.zeros((ny+1, nx+1))
        lat_grid[1:,1:] = lat_px[:,:,0]
        lat_grid[1:,0] = lat_px[:,0,1]
        lat_grid[0,1:] = lat_px[0,:,3]
        lat_grid[0,0] = lat_px[0,0,2]
        lat_grid_V = np.zeros((ny+1, nx+1))
        lat_grid_V[1:,1:] = lat_px_V[:,:,0]
        lat_grid_V[1:,0] = lat_px_V[:,0,1]
        lat_grid_V[0,1:] = lat_px_V[0,:,3]
        lat_grid_V[0,0] = lat_px_V[0,0,2]
        # Storage as class arguments
        self.lam = lam.astype(np.float64)
        self.cube_i = cube_i2.astype(np.float64)
        self.cube_rf = cube_rf2.astype(np.float64) = lat.astype(np.float64)
        self.lon = lon.astype(np.float64)
        self.alt = alt.astype(np.float64)
        self.emer = emer.astype(np.float64)
        self.emer_n = emer_n.astype(np.float64)
        self.inci = inci.astype(np.float64)
        self.inci_n = inci_n.astype(np.float64)
        self.specmars = specmars.astype(np.float64) = nomfic0
        self.orbit = orbit_nb
        self.utc = utc_dt
        self.ic = {'V' : ic_V.astype(int), 
                   'C' : ic_C.astype(int), 
                   'L' : ic_L.astype(int)}
        self.lam_ma = lam_mask
        self.lat_grid = lat_grid
        self.lon_grid = lon_grid
        self.sensor_temp_c = temperature_c.astype(np.float64)
        self.sensor_temp_l = temperature_l.astype(np.float64)
        self.saturation_c = saturation_c.astype(np.float64)
        self.saturation_vis = saturation_vis.astype(np.float64)
        self.lat_v = lat_V.astype(np.float64)
        self.lon_v = lon_V.astype(np.float64)
        self.alt_v = alt_V.astype(np.float64)
        self.emer_n_v = emer_n_V.astype(np.float64)
        self.inci_n_v = inci_n_V.astype(np.float64)
        self.lat_grid_v = lat_grid_V
        self.lon_grid_v = lon_grid_V
        # Data from the .QUB header
        hd_qub = _read_header(obs_name[:-4] + '.QUB')
        self.summation = np.int64(hd_qub['DOWNTRACK_SUMMING'])
        self.bits_per_data = np.float64(hd_qub['INST_CMPRS_RATE'])
        self.data_quality = np.int64(hd_qub['DATA_QUALITY_ID'])
        mode_channel_tmp = hd_qub['COMMAND_DESC'][34:36]
        if mode_channel_tmp == 'EF':
            self.mode_channel = 1
        elif mode_channel_tmp == '80':
            self.mode_channel = 2
        elif mode_channel_tmp == 'C7':
            self.mode_channel = 3
            self.mode_channel = mode_channel_tmp

        T_fp_C, T_fp_L, T_fp_V = np.array(
            hd_qub['MEX:FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE'][1:-5].split(','), dtype=np.float64)
        self.focal_plane_temperatures = {'V' : T_fp_V, 'C' : T_fp_C, 'L' : T_fp_L}
        T_sp_C, T_sp_L, T_sp_V = np.array(
            hd_qub['MEX:SPECTROMETER_TEMPERATURE'][1:-5].split(','), dtype=np.float64)
        self.spectrometer_temperatures = {'V' : T_sp_V, 'C' : T_sp_C, 'L' : T_sp_L}
        # Data from the .NAV header
        hd_nav = _read_header(nomgeo[:-4] + '.NAV')
        npixel, npara, nscan = np.array(hd_nav['CORE_ITEMS'][1:-1].split(','), dtype=np.int64)
        self.lrec = np.int64(hd_nav['RECORD_BYTES'])
        self.nrec = np.int64(hd_nav['LABEL_RECORDS'])
        self.sol_dist = np.float64(hd_nav['SOLAR_DISTANCE'])
        self.sol_dist_au = np.float64(hd_nav['SOLAR_DISTANCE']) / 14960e4
        npixel, npara, nscan = np.array(hd_nav['CORE_ITEMS'][1:-1].split(','), dtype=np.int64)
        self.npixel = npixel
        self.npara = npara
        self.nscan = nscan
        self.point_mode = hd_nav['SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE'][1:-1]
        self.orient = np.array(hd_nav['SPACECRAFT_ORIENTATION'][1:-1].split(','), dtype=np.int64) = np.float64(hd_nav['SOLAR_LONGITUDE'])
        self.subsol_lon = np.float64(hd_nav['SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE'])
        self.subsol_lat = np.float64(hd_nav['SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE'])
        self.min_lat = np.float64(hd_nav['MINIMUM_LATITUDE'])
        self.max_lat = np.float64(hd_nav['MAXIMUM_LATITUDE'])
        self.min_lon = np.float64(hd_nav['WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE'])
        self.max_lon = np.float64(hd_nav['EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE'])
        self.slant = np.float64(hd_nav['SLANT_DISTANCE']) = hd_nav['TARGET_NAME']
        temp_init = np.zeros(
        temp_init[:] = np.nan
        self.surf_temp = temp_init
        # Local time & MY
        self.loct = _compute_local_time(self.lon, self.subsol_lon) = _utc_to_my(self.utc)
        # Cube quality
        OBC = readsav(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'OBC_OMEGA_OCT2017.sav'))
        good_orbits_OBC = np.array(OBC['good_orbits'][0], dtype=int)
        corrupted_orbits_csv = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'corrupted_obs.csv'), comment='#',
        corrupted_orbits = np.array(corrupted_orbits_csv['corrupted_obs'], dtype=str)
        corrupted_orbits_comments = np.array(corrupted_orbits_csv['comment'], dtype=str)
        if (npixel==128) & (orbit_nb >= 513):
            self.quality = 128
            self.add_infos = 'Corrupted 128 pixels cube'
        if orbit_nb not in good_orbits_OBC:
            self.quality = 0
            self.add_infos = 'Corrupted orbit'
        if nomfic0 in corrupted_orbits:
            self.quality = 0
            i_obs = int(np.where(corrupted_orbits==nomfic0)[0])
            self.add_infos = corrupted_orbits_comments[i_obs]
        # Ajout pour correction position
        # self.ecl_n = np.cos(inci_n * np.pi / 180)
        i25, i26, i27 = uf.where_closer_array([1.270, 1.285, 1.299], lam)
        self.ref_C = np.mean(deepcopy(cube_rf2.astype(np.float32))[:, :, i25:i27+1], axis=2)
        # V & L corrections status
        self.corrV = corrV
        self.corrL = corrL
        start = ''
        if self.add_infos != '':
            start = '\n        '
        if (not corrV) and (not corrL):
            self.add_infos += (start + 'No V & L channels correction')
        elif (not corrV) and corrL:
            self.add_infos += (start + 'No V channel correction')
        elif corrV and (not corrL):
            self.add_infos += (start + 'No L channel correction')
        # End of data extraction & correction
        if disp:

omega_data.OMEGAdata.get_header_nav(data_path='_omega_bin_path', recursive_search=True)

Return the data from the header of the .NAV file, as a dictionary.

See the OMEGA ECAID for informations about the header entries.


Name Type Description Default
data_path str

The path of the directory containing the navigation (.NAV) files.

recursive_search bool

If True, enable the search for the .QUB file in subdirectories from data_path.



Name Type Description
hd_nav dict

Dictionary containing the data from the ORBXXXX_X.NAV file.

Source code in omegapy/
def get_header_nav(self, data_path='_omega_bin_path', recursive_search=True):
    """Return the data from the header of the .NAV file, as a dictionary.

    See the OMEGA ECAID for informations about the header entries.

    data_path : str, default _omega_bin_path
        The path of the directory containing the navigation (.NAV) files.
    recursive_search : bool, default True
        If `True`, enable the search for the .QUB file in subdirectories
        from `data_path`.

    hd_nav : dict
        Dictionary containing the data from the ORBXXXX_X.NAV file.
    # Default path
    if data_path == "_omega_bin_path":
        data_path = _omega_bin_path
    if recursive_search:
        nav_path = uf.myglob(os.path.join(data_path, '**','.NAV'), recursive=True)
        nav_path = os.path.join(data_path,'.NAV')
    hd_nav = _read_header(nav_path)
    return hd_nav

omega_data.OMEGAdata.get_header_qub(data_path='_omega_bin_path', recursive_search=True)

Return the data from the header of the .QUB file, as a dictionary.

See the OMEGA ECAID for informations about the header entries.


Name Type Description Default
data_path str

The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) files.

recursive_search bool

If True, enable the search for the .QUB file in subdirectories from data_path.



Name Type Description
hd_qub dict

Dictionary containing the data from the ORBXXXX_X.QUB file.

Source code in omegapy/
def get_header_qub(self, data_path='_omega_bin_path', recursive_search=True):
    """Return the data from the header of the .QUB file, as a dictionary.

    See the OMEGA ECAID for informations about the header entries.

    data_path : str, default _omega_bin_path
        The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) files.
    recursive_search : bool, default True
        If `True`, enable the search for the .QUB file in subdirectories
        from `data_path`.

    hd_qub : dict
        Dictionary containing the data from the ORBXXXX_X.QUB file.
    # Default path
    if data_path == "_omega_bin_path":
        data_path = _omega_bin_path
    if recursive_search:
        qub_path = uf.myglob(os.path.join(data_path, '**','.QUB'), recursive=True)
        qub_path = os.path.join(data_path,'.QUB')
    hd_qub = _read_header(qub_path)
    return hd_qub

omega_data.BD_omega(omega, lam0, lamc1, lamc2, norm=True)

Compute the band depth on an OMEGA observation cube. Continuum linear between lamc1 and lamc2.

If an array is passed as argument for a wavelength value, the average is used.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA/MEx observation.

lam0 float or array - like

The wavelength of the center of the band.

lamc1 float or array - like

The wavelength of the bluer point for the continuum determination.

lamc2 float or array - like

The wavelength of the redder point for the continuum determination.

norm bool

| True → band_depth output is the normalized BD values.
| False → band_depth output is the BD values.



Name Type Description
band_depth 2D array

The array of the band depth values for the observation (normalized or not depending on norm).

rf_c 2D array

The value of the continuum used to measure the band depth.

Source code in omegapy/
def BD_omega(omega, lam0, lamc1, lamc2, norm=True):
    """Compute the band depth on an OMEGA observation cube.
    Continuum linear between lamc1 and lamc2.

    If an array is passed as argument for a wavelength value, the average is used.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA/MEx observation.
    lam0 : float or array-like
        The wavelength of the center of the band.
    lamc1 : float or array-like
        The wavelength of the bluer point for the continuum determination.
    lamc2 : float or array-like
        The wavelength of the redder point for the continuum determination.
    norm : bool, default True
        | `True` --> band_depth output is the normalized BD values.</br>
        | `False` --> band_depth output is the BD values.

    band_depth : 2D array
        The array of the band depth values for the observation
        (normalized or not depending on `norm`).
    rf_c : 2D array
        The value of the continuum used to measure the band depth.
    if not omega.therm_corr:
        print("\033[01;33mWarning: No thermal correction applied.\033[0m")
    # Initialisation
    refl_cube = omega.cube_rf
    nx, ny, nlam = refl_cube.shape
    # Conversion floats -> list
    if isinstance(lam0, (int, float)):
        lam0 = [lam0]
    if isinstance(lamc1, (int, float)):
        lamc1 = [lamc1]
    if isinstance(lamc2, (int, float)):
        lamc2 = [lamc2]
    # Search for wavelength indexes
    i_lam0 = uf.where_closer_array(lam0, omega.lam)
    i_lamc1 = uf.where_closer_array(lamc1, omega.lam)
    i_lamc2 = uf.where_closer_array(lamc2, omega.lam)
    # Average wavelengths
    lam0 = np.mean(omega.lam[i_lam0])
    lamc1 = np.mean(omega.lam[i_lamc1])
    lamc2 = np.mean(omega.lam[i_lamc2])
    # Average reflectances
    rf_band = np.mean(refl_cube[:, :, i_lam0], axis=2)
    rf_c1 = np.mean(refl_cube[:, :, i_lamc1], axis=2)
    rf_c2 = np.mean(refl_cube[:, :, i_lamc2], axis=2)
    # Average continuum
    rf_c = rf_c1 + (rf_c2 - rf_c1) * (lam0 - lamc1) / (lamc2 - lamc1)
    # Compute BD over the OMEGA cube
    if norm:
        band_depth = (rf_c - rf_band) / rf_c
        band_depth = rf_c - rf_band
    # Output
    return band_depth

omega_data.autoload_omega(obs_name, folder='auto', version=_Version, base_folder='_omega_py_path', therm_corr=None, atm_corr=None, disp=True, bin_folder='_omega_bin_path', recursive=False)

Load and return a previously saved OMEGAdata object using pickle (with autosave_omega()).


Name Type Description Default
obs_name str

The observation ID.

folder str

The subfolder where the data is.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

version float

The version of the target file (if folder is 'auto').

base_folder str

The base folder path.

therm_corr bool or None

| True → Only results with thermal correction.
| False → Only results without thermal correction.
| None → Both with and without thermal correction.

atm_corr bool or None

| True → Only results with atmospheric correction.
| False → Only results without atmospheric correction.
| None → Both with and without atmospheric correction.

disp bool

Control the display.
| True → Print the loading filename.
| False → Nothing printed.

bin_folder str

The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) and navigation (.NAV) files.

recursive bool

Option passed to the uf.myglob function.
If recursive is True, the pattern ** will match any files and zero or more directories and subdirectories.
Note: The recursive search option is not compatible with the default automatic paths, as they do not include the ** pattern. One should add it where needed (e.g., in the folder argument).



Name Type Description
omega OMEGAdata

The loaded object of OMEGA/MEx observation.

Source code in omegapy/
def autoload_omega(obs_name, folder='auto', version=_Version, base_folder='_omega_py_path',
                   therm_corr=None, atm_corr=None, disp=True, bin_folder='_omega_bin_path',
    """Load and return a previously saved `OMEGAdata` object using pickle (with `autosave_omega()`).

    obs_name : str
        The observation ID.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder where the data is.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    version : float, default _Version
        The version of the target file (if folder is `'auto'`).
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    therm_corr : bool or None, default None
        | `True` --> Only results with thermal correction.</br>
        | `False` --> Only results without thermal correction.</br>
        | `None` --> Both with and without thermal correction.
    atm_corr : bool or None, default None
        | `True` --> Only results with atmospheric correction.</br>
        | `False` --> Only results without atmospheric correction.</br>
        | `None` --> Both with and without atmospheric correction.
    disp : bool, default True
        Control the display.</br>
            | `True` --> Print the loading filename.</br>
            | `False` --> Nothing printed.
    bin_folder : str, default _omega_bin_path
        The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) and 
        navigation (.NAV) files.
    recursive : bool, default False
        Option passed to the `uf.myglob` function.</br>
        If recursive is True, the pattern `**` will match any files and
        zero or more directories and subdirectories.</br>
        Note: The recursive search option is not compatible with the default
        automatic paths, as they do not include the `**` pattern.
        One should add it where needed (e.g., in the `folder` argument).

    omega : OMEGAdata 
        The loaded object of OMEGA/MEx observation.
    # Default paths
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    if bin_folder == "_omega_bin_path":
        bin_folder = _omega_bin_path
    # Initialisation
    ext = ''
    excl = []
    if therm_corr:
        ext += '_therm'
    elif therm_corr == False:
    if atm_corr:
        ext += '_atm'
    elif atm_corr == False:
    filename = '*{name}*{corr_ext}*.pkl'.format(name=obs_name, corr_ext=ext)
    if folder == 'auto':
        Mversion = int(version)
        folder = 'v' + str(Mversion)
    filename2 = uf.myglob(os.path.join(base_folder, folder, filename), exclude=excl, recursive=recursive)
    if filename2 is None:
        if (therm_corr in [None, False]) and (atm_corr in [None, False]):
            obs_name_bin = glob.glob(os.path.join(bin_folder, '**', '*' + obs_name + '*.QUB'), recursive=True)
            if len(obs_name_bin) == 0 :
                return None
                print('\033[1mMatching binary files:\033[0m')
                return OMEGAdata(obs_name, data_path=bin_folder)
            return None
        with open(filename2, 'rb') as input_file:
            omega = pickle.load(input_file)
            if disp:
                print('\033[03m' + filename2 + '\033[0;01;34m loaded\033[0m')
            return omega

omega_data.autosave_omega(omega, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True, disp=True)

Save an OMEGAdata object at the selected path using the pickle module, with automatic configuration of the target name.

Final_path = base_folder + folder + name{_corr_therm_atm}.pkl


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA/MEx observation object.

folder str

The subfolder to save the data.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

security bool

Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.
| True → Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it. And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.
| False → Didn't care about the already existing files.

disp bool

Control the display.
| True → Print the saving filename.
| False → Nothing printed.

Source code in omegapy/
def autosave_omega(omega, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True, disp=True):
    """Save an `OMEGAdata` object at the selected path using the pickle module, with automatic
    configuration of the target name.

    *`Final_path = base_folder + folder + name{_corr_therm_atm}.pkl`*

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA/MEx observation object.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder to save the data.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    security : bool, default True
        Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.</br>
        | `True` --> Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it.
                  And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.</br>
        | `False` --> Didn't care about the already existing files.
    disp : bool, default True
        Control the display.</br>
            | `True` --> Print the saving filename.</br>
            | `False` --> Nothing printed.
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    # Initialisation nom fichier auto
    if omega.therm_corr and omega.atm_corr:
        suff = '_corr_therm_atm'
    elif omega.therm_corr:
        suff = '_corr_therm'
    elif omega.atm_corr:
        suff = '_corr_atm'
        suff = ''
    savname = '{name}{suff}.pkl'.format(, suff=suff)
    if folder == 'auto':
        folder = 'v' + str(int(omega.version))
    # Chemin sav fichier
    target_path = os.path.join(base_folder, folder, savname)
    # Testing existent file
    if security:
        write = uf.test_security_overwrite(target_path)
        write = True
    # Sauvegarde pickle
    if write:
        with open(target_path, 'wb') as output:
            pickle.dump(omega, output)
        if disp:
            print('\033[01;34mSaved as \033[0;03m' + target_path + '\033[0m')

omega_data.compute_list_good_observations(savfilename='liste_good_obs.csv', folder='../data/OMEGA/liste_obs', security=True)

Scan the available OMEGA/MEx data cubes and list the observations considered as good quality.

The results are saved in the specified csv file.


Name Type Description Default
savfilename str

The name of the csv file to save the data.

folder str

The name of the folder where the saved file will be located.
Final saved file path = folder + savfilename

security bool

Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.
| True → Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it. And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.
| False → Didn't care about the already existing files.

Source code in omegapy/
def compute_list_good_observations(savfilename='liste_good_obs.csv', 
                                   folder='../data/OMEGA/liste_obs', security=True):
    """Scan the available OMEGA/MEx data cubes and list the observations considered as 
    good quality.

    The results are saved in the specified csv file.

    savfilename : str, default 'liste_good_obs.csv'
        The name of the csv file to save the data.
    folder : str, default '../data/OMEGA/liste_obs'
        The name of the folder where the saved file will be located.</br>
        *Final saved file path = folder + savfilename*
    security : bool, default True
        Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.</br>
        | `True` --> Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it.
                  And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.</br>
        | `False` --> Didn't care about the already existing files.
    # Test existence fichier de sauvegarde
    sav_file_path = os.path.join(folder, savfilename)
    if security:
        test_overwrite = uf.test_security_overwrite(sav_file_path)
        if not test_overwrite:
            return None
    # Liste observations disponibles
    bin_obs_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(_omega_bin_path, 'ORB*.QUB'))
    # Initialisation
    gobs = open(sav_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    gobs.write('obsname, Ls [°], lat_min [°], lat_max [°], lon_min [°], lon_max [°], '
               + 'UTC date/time, Npixel, Nscan\n')
    Nacc = 0
    # Test qualité de chaque observation
    for obs_name in tqdm(bin_obs_list):
        nomfic0 = os.path.split(obs_name)[1][:-4]    # Récupération nom + décodage UTF-8
        numCube = nomfic0[-1]
        # Lecture header fichier .QUB
        hd_qub = _read_header(obs_name[:-4] + '.QUB')
        summation = np.int64(hd_qub['DOWNTRACK_SUMMING'])
        bits_per_data = np.float64(hd_qub['INST_CMPRS_RATE'])
        data_quality = np.int64(hd_qub['DATA_QUALITY_ID'])
        mode_channel_tmp = hd_qub['COMMAND_DESC'][34:36]
        if mode_channel_tmp == 'EF':
            mode_channel = 1
        elif mode_channel_tmp == '80':
            mode_channel = 2
        elif mode_channel_tmp == 'C7':
            mode_channel = 3
            mode_channel = mode_channel_tmp
        # Lecture header fichier .NAV
        if glob.glob(obs_name[:-4] + '.NAV') == []:
        hd_nav = _read_header(obs_name[:-4] + '.NAV')
        npixel, npara, nscan = np.array(hd_nav['CORE_ITEMS'][1:-1].split(','), dtype=np.int64)
        point_mode = hd_nav['SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE'][1:-1]
        target = hd_nav['TARGET_NAME']
        test = True
        # Test si cube OK
        if target != 'MARS':
        elif mode_channel != 1:
        elif data_quality == 0:
        elif point_mode == 'N/A':
        elif (numCube == '0') and (npixel == 64) and (bits_per_data == 1):
            # Si OK -> sauvegarde des infos dans le fichier
            gobs.write(('{obsname:s}, {ls:s}, {lat_min:s}, {lat_max:s}, {lon_min:s},'
                    +'{lon_max:s}, {utc:s}, {npixel:d}, {nscan:d}\n').format(obsname = nomfic0, 
                                    ls = hd_nav['SOLAR_LONGITUDE'],
                                    lat_min = hd_nav['MINIMUM_LATITUDE'],
                                    lat_max = hd_nav['MAXIMUM_LATITUDE'],
                                    lon_min = hd_nav['WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE'],
                                    lon_max = hd_nav['EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE'],
                                    utc = hd_nav['START_TIME'][:16],
                                    npixel = npixel,
                                    nscan = nscan))
            Nacc += 1
    # Résultats
    Ntot = len(bin_obs_list)
    Nrej = Ntot - Nacc
    print('\n\033[1m{0} observations found\n'.format(Ntot) +
            '{0} accepted, {1} rejected\033[0m'.format(Nacc, Nrej))
    print('\n\033[01;34mResults saved in \033[0;03m' + sav_file_path + '\033[0m')


Remove the atmospheric component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.



Name Type Description
omega_corr OMEGAdata

The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from the atmospheric component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_atm(omega):
    """Remove the atmospheric component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.

    omega_corr : OMEGAdata
        The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from
        the atmospheric component.
    # Test correction
    if omega.atm_corr:
        print("\033[1;33mAtmospheric correction already applied\033[0m")
        return deepcopy(omega)
    # Initialisation
    omega2 = deepcopy(omega)
    omega_corr = deepcopy(omega)
    ny, nx, nlam = omega2.cube_rf.shape
    lam = omega2.lam
    cube_rf = omega2.cube_rf
    ic_CL = np.concatenate([omega.ic['C'], omega.ic['L']])
    nV = len(omega.ic['V'])
    # Chargement données atmosphère
    atmorap = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'omega_atmorap_CL.dat'))
    tr_atm = np.ones(nlam)
    tr_atm[nV:] = atmorap[ic_CL]    # données atm uniquement voies C & L
    # Détermination exposant
    i_lam1, i_lam2 = uf.where_closer_array([1.93, 2.01], lam)
    expo = np.log(cube_rf[:,:,i_lam1] / cube_rf[:,:,i_lam2]) / np.log(tr_atm[i_lam1] / tr_atm[i_lam2])
    # Correction spectres
    for x in tqdm(range(nx), desc='Atmospheric correction'):
        for y in range(ny):
            sp_rf_corr = cube_rf[y,x] * tr_atm**(-expo[y,x])
            omega_corr.cube_rf[y,x] = sp_rf_corr
    # Sortie
    omega_corr.atm_corr = True
    omega_corr.atm_corr_infos['datetime'] =
    omega_corr.atm_corr_infos['method'] = 'M1 : same reflectance level at 1.93μm and 2.01μm'
    return omega_corr


Remove the atmospheric component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.



Name Type Description
omega_corr OMEGAdata

The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from the atmospheric component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_atm2(omega):
    """Remove the atmospheric component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.

    omega_corr : OMEGAdata
        The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from
        the atmospheric component.
    # Test correction
    if omega.atm_corr:
        print("\033[1;33mAtmospheric correction already applied\033[0m")
        return deepcopy(omega)
    # Initialisation
    omega2 = deepcopy(omega)
    omega_corr = deepcopy(omega)
    ny, nx, nlam = omega2.cube_rf.shape
    lam = omega2.lam
    cube_rf = omega2.cube_rf
    ic_CL = np.concatenate([omega.ic['C'], omega.ic['L']])
    nV = len(omega.ic['V'])
    # Chargement données atmosphère
    atmorap = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'omega_atmorap_CL.dat'))
    tr_atm = np.ones(nlam)
    tr_atm[nV:] = atmorap[ic_CL]    # données atm uniquement voies C & L
    # Détermination exposant
    i_lams = uf.where_closer_array([1.97, 1.98, 2.0], lam)
    cube_rf2 = cube_rf[:,:,i_lams]
    sp_atm2 = tr_atm[i_lams]
    expo0 = 1
    # Correction spectres
    for x in tqdm(range(nx)):
        for y in range(ny):
            expo = minimize(f_min, expo0, args=(cube_rf2[y,x], sp_atm2)).x[0]
            omega_corr.cube_rf[y,x] = cube_rf[y,x] * tr_atm**(-expo)
    # Sortie
    omega_corr.atm_corr = True
    omega_corr.atm_corr_infos['datetime'] =
    omega_corr.atm_corr_infos['method'] = 'M2 : flattest spectra between 1.97µm and 2.00µm'
    return omega_corr

omega_data.corr_atm2_sp(lam, sp_rf, tr_atm)

Remove the atmospheric component in an OMEGA spectrum.


Name Type Description Default
lam 1D array

The wavelength array.

sp_rf 1D array

The reflectance spectrum.

tr_atm 1D array

Atmospheric transmission spectrum.



Name Type Description
sp_rf_corr 1D array

The reflectance spectrum, corrected from the atmospheric component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_atm2_sp(lam, sp_rf, tr_atm):
    """Remove the atmospheric component in an OMEGA spectrum.

    lam : 1D array
        The wavelength array.
    sp_rf : 1D array
        The reflectance spectrum.
    tr_atm : 1D array
        Atmospheric transmission spectrum.

    sp_rf_corr : 1D array
        The reflectance spectrum, corrected from the atmospheric component.
    # Détermination exposant
    i_lams = uf.where_closer_array([1.97, 1.98, 2.00], lam)
    sp_rf2 = sp_rf[i_lams]
    sp_atm2 = tr_atm[i_lams]
    expo0 = 1
    res_opt = minimize(f_min, expo0, args=(sp_rf2, sp_atm2))
    # if res_opt.success:
    expo = res_opt.x[0]
    # Correction
    sp_rf_corr = sp_rf * tr_atm**(-expo)
    # Sortie
    return sp_rf_corr

omega_data.corr_atm_sp(lam, sp_rf, tr_atm)

Remove the atmospheric component in an OMEGA spectrum.


Name Type Description Default
lam 1D array

The wavelength array.

sp_rf 1D array

The reflectance spectrum.

tr_atm 1D array

Atmospheric transmission spectrum.



Name Type Description
sp_rf_corr 1D array

The reflectance spectrum, corrected from the atmospheric component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_atm_sp(lam, sp_rf, tr_atm):
    """Remove the atmospheric component in an OMEGA spectrum.

    lam : 1D array
        The wavelength array.
    sp_rf : 1D array
        The reflectance spectrum.
    tr_atm : 1D array
        Atmospheric transmission spectrum.

    sp_rf_corr : 1D array
        The reflectance spectrum, corrected from the atmospheric component.
    # TODO > retirer /0

    # Détermination exposant
    i_lam1, i_lam2 = uf.where_closer_array([1.93, 2.01], lam)
    expo = np.log(sp_rf[i_lam1] / sp_rf[i_lam2]) / np.log(tr_atm[i_lam1] / tr_atm[i_lam2])
    # Correction
    sp_rf_corr = sp_rf * tr_atm**(-expo)
    # Sortie
    return sp_rf_corr


Correction corrupted pixels mode 128.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.



Name Type Description
omega_corr OMEGAdata

The input OMEGA observation, where data from the corrupted columns of 128-pixels wide observations have been corrected if possible.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_mode_128(omega):
    """Correction corrupted pixels mode 128.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.

    omega_corr : OMEGAdata
        The input OMEGA observation, where data from the corrupted columns of 128-pixels wide
        observations have been corrected if possible.
    omega_corr = deepcopy(omega)
    ic128 = deepcopy(omega.ic)
    npixel = omega.npixel
    nscan = omega.nscan
    if npixel != 128:
        print('\033[1mNot a 128 pixel cube\033[0m')
    elif (npixel==128) & (omega.orbit >= 513):
        print('\033[33mCorrupted 128 pixel cube\033[0m')
        omega128_interp = readsav(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'omega128_interpol.sav'))
        if str.encode([3:]) in omega128_interp['cublist']:
            i_omega = np.where(omega128_interp['cublist'] == str.encode([3:]))[0][0]
            cubtype = omega128_interp['cubstatus'][i_omega]
            if cubtype <= 0:
                print('\033[01;33;41mNo correction available (good, corrupted or unusual cube)\033[0m')
                if cubtype == 1:
                    print('Parity 1 : spectel 28 corrupted in even lines')
                    firsteven, firstodd = 28, 12
                elif cubtype == 2:
                    print('Parity 2 : spectel 28 corrupted in odd lines')
                    firsteven, firstodd = 12, 28
                even = 2 * (np.arange((nscan-2)//2, dtype=int) + 1)     # even lines
                odd  = 2 * np.arange((nscan-1)//2, dtype=int) + 1       # odd lines
                cube_i = omega.cube_i
                cube_rf = omega.cube_rf
                cube_i_corr = deepcopy(cube_i)
                cube_rf_corr = deepcopy(cube_rf)
                for w in range(11): # loop on spectral position
                    cube_rf_corr[even, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] = 0.5 * (
                        cube_rf[even+1, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] + 
                        cube_rf[even-1, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] )
                    cube_rf_corr[odd, 80:95, firstodd+32*w:firstodd+3+32*w] = 0.5 * (
                        cube_rf[odd+1, 80:95, firstodd+32*w:firstodd+3+32*w] + 
                        cube_rf[odd-1, 80:95, firstodd+32*w:firstodd+3+32*w] )
                    cube_rf_corr[0, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] = (
                        cube_rf[1, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] )
                    if (nscan/2)*2 == nscan:
                        cube_rf_corr[nscan-1, 80:95, firstodd+32*w:firstodd+3+32*w] = (
                            cube_rf[nscan-2, 80:95, firstodd+32*w:firstodd+3+32*w])
                        cube_rf_corr[nscan-1, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] = (
                            cube_rf[nscan-2, 80:95, firsteven+32*w:firsteven+3+32*w] )
                omega_corr.cube_i = cube_i_corr
                omega_corr.cube_rf = cube_rf_corr
            print('\033[01;33;41mCube not in list\033[0m')
        # lam_mask['mode128'] = 
        # omega_corr.add_infos += '\nWarning: Corrupted 128 pixel cube'
    return omega_corr

omega_data.corr_save_omega(obsname, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1)

Correction and saving of OMEGA/MEx observations.

Parallelization is implemented using the multiprocessing module. The number of process to run is controlled by the npool argument.


Name Type Description Default
obsname str

The name of the OMEGA observation.

folder str

The subfolder to save the data.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

security bool

Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.
| True → Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it. And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.
| False → Didn't care about the already existing files.

overwrite bool

If security is False, default choice for overwriting on existent file.

compress bool

If True, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to None) in order to reduce the size of the saved file.

npool int

Number of parallelized worker process to use.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_save_omega(obsname, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True,
                    overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1):
    """Correction and saving of OMEGA/MEx observations.

    Parallelization is implemented using the `multiprocessing` module. The number of
    process to run is controlled by the `npool` argument.

    obsname : str
        The name of the OMEGA observation.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder to save the data.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    security : bool, default True
        Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.</br>
        | `True` --> Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it.
                  And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.</br>
        | `False` --> Didn't care about the already existing files.
    overwrite : bool, default True
        If security is `False`, default choice for overwriting on existent file.
    compress : bool, default True
        If `True`, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to `None`)
        in order to reduce the size of the saved file.
    npool : int, default 1
        Number of parallelized worker process to use.
    if folder == 'auto':
        folder = 'v' + str(int(_Version))
    omega = OMEGAdata(obsname)
    name =
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    # path synthax
    basename = os.path.join(base_folder, folder, name, '{0}.pkl')
    # Testing existent file
    if os.path.exists(basename.format('_corr_therm_atm')):
        exists = True
        exists = False
    if security:
        overwrite = uf.test_security_overwrite(basename.format('*'))
    if (not exists) or (exists and overwrite):
        save_omega(omega, folder=folder, base_folder=base_folder)
        print('\n\033[01mThermal correction\033[0m')
        omega_corr = corr_therm(omega, npool)
        if compress:
            omega_corr.cube_i = None
        save_omega(omega_corr, folder=folder, base_folder=base_folder, suff='corr_therm')
        print('\n\033[01mAtmospheric correction\033[0m')
        omega_corr_atm = corr_atm(omega_corr)
        save_omega(omega_corr_atm, folder=folder, base_folder=base_folder, suff='corr_therm_atm')
        print('\n\033[01;34mExistent files preserved for {0} - v{1}\033[0m\n'.format(name, _Version))

omega_data.corr_save_omega2(obsname, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1)

Correction and saving of OMEGA/MEx observations.

Parallelization is implemented using the multiprocessing module. The number of process to run is controlled by the npool argument.


Name Type Description Default
obsname str

The name of the OMEGA observation.

folder str

The subfolder to save the data.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

security bool

Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.
| True → Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it. And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.
| False → Didn't care about the already existing files.

overwrite bool

If security is False, default choice for overwriting on existent file.

compress bool

If True, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to None) in order to reduce the size of the saved file.

npool int

Number of parallelized worker process to use.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_save_omega2(obsname, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True,
                    overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1):
    """Correction and saving of OMEGA/MEx observations.

    Parallelization is implemented using the `multiprocessing` module. The number of
    process to run is controlled by the `npool` argument.

    obsname : str
        The name of the OMEGA observation.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder to save the data.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    security : bool, default True
        Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.</br>
        | `True` --> Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it.
                  And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.</br>
        | `False` --> Didn't care about the already existing files.
    overwrite : bool, default True
        If security is `False`, default choice for overwriting on existent file.
    compress : bool, default True
        If `True`, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to `None`)
        in order to reduce the size of the saved file.
    npool : int, default 1
        Number of parallelized worker process to use.
    if folder == 'auto':
        folder = 'v' + str(int(_Version))
    omega = OMEGAdata(obsname)
    name =
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    # path synthax
    basename = os.path.join(base_folder, folder, name, '{0}.pkl')
    # Testing existent file
    if os.path.exists(basename.format('_corr_therm_atm')):
        exists = True
        exists = False
    if security:
        overwrite = uf.test_security_overwrite(basename.format('*'))
    if (not exists) or (exists and overwrite):
        # save_omega(omega, folder=folder, base_folder=base_folder)
        print('\n\033[01mThermal & atmospheric corrections\033[0m')
        omega_corr = corr_therm_atm(omega, npool)
        if compress:
            omega_corr.cube_i = None
        save_omega(omega_corr, folder=folder, base_folder=base_folder, suff='corr_therm_atm')
        print('\n\033[01;34mExistent files preserved for {0} - v{1}\033[0m\n'.format(name, _Version))

omega_data.corr_save_omega2_list(liste_obs, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1)

Correction and saving of a list of OMEGA/MEx observations.

Parallelization is implemented using the multiprocessing module. The number of process to run is controlled by the npool argument.


Name Type Description Default
liste_obs list of str

The list of the name of the OMEGA observations.

folder str

The subfolder to save the data.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

security bool

Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.
| True → Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it. And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.
| False → Do not care about the already existing files.

overwrite bool

If security is False, default choice for overwriting on existent file.

compress bool

If True, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to None) in order to reduce the size of the saved file.

npool int

Number of parallelized worker process to use.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_save_omega2_list(liste_obs, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path',
                         security=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1):
    """Correction and saving of a list of OMEGA/MEx observations.

    Parallelization is implemented using the `multiprocessing` module. The number of
    process to run is controlled by the `npool` argument.

    liste_obs : list of str
        The list of the name of the OMEGA observations.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder to save the data.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    security : bool, default True
        Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.</br>
        | `True` --> Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it.
                  And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.</br>
        | `False` --> Do not care about the already existing files.
    overwrite : bool, default True
        If security is `False`, default choice for overwriting on existent file.
    compress : bool, default True
        If `True`, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to `None`)
        in order to reduce the size of the saved file.
    npool : int, default 1
        Number of parallelized worker process to use.
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    N = len(liste_obs)
    if folder == 'auto':
        folder = 'v' + str(int(_Version))
    for i, obsname in enumerate(liste_obs):
        print('\n\033[01mComputing observation {0} / {1} : {2}\033[0m\n'.format(i+1, N, obsname))
        corr_save_omega2(obsname, folder, base_folder, security, overwrite, compress, npool)
    print("\n\033[01;32m Done\033[0m\n")

omega_data.corr_save_omega_list(liste_obs, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path', security=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1)

Correction and saving of a list of OMEGA/MEx observations.

Parallelization is implemented using the multiprocessing module. The number of process to run is controlled by the npool argument.


Name Type Description Default
liste_obs list of str

The list of the name of the OMEGA observations.

folder str

The subfolder to save the data.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

security bool

Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.
| True → Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it. And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.
| False → Do not care about the already existing files.

overwrite bool

If security is False, default choice for overwriting on existent file.

compress bool

If True, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to None) in order to reduce the size of the saved file.

npool int

Number of parallelized worker process to use.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_save_omega_list(liste_obs, folder='auto', base_folder='_omega_py_path',
                         security=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, npool=1):
    """Correction and saving of a list of OMEGA/MEx observations.

    Parallelization is implemented using the `multiprocessing` module. The number of
    process to run is controlled by the `npool` argument.

    liste_obs : list of str
        The list of the name of the OMEGA observations.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder to save the data.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    security : bool, default True
        Enable / disable checking before overwriting a file.</br>
        | `True` --> Check if the target file already exists before overwriting on it.
                  And if is the case, you will be asked for a confirmation.</br>
        | `False` --> Do not care about the already existing files.
    overwrite : bool, default True
        If security is `False`, default choice for overwriting on existent file.
    compress : bool, default True
        If `True`, the radiance cube after correction is removed (i.e. set to `None`)
        in order to reduce the size of the saved file.
    npool : int, default 1
        Number of parallelized worker process to use.
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    N = len(liste_obs)
    if folder == 'auto':
        folder = 'v' + str(int(_Version))
    for i, obsname in enumerate(liste_obs):
        print('\n\033[01mComputing observation {0} / {1} : {2}\033[0m\n'.format(i+1, N, obsname))
        corr_save_omega(obsname, folder, base_folder, security, overwrite, compress, npool)
    print("\n\033[01;32m Done\033[0m\n")

omega_data.corr_therm(omega, npool=1)

Remove the thermal component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.

Parallelization is implemented using the multiprocessing module. The number of process to run is controlled by the npool argument.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.

npool int

Number of parallelized worker process to use.



Name Type Description
omega_corr OMEGAdata

The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from the thermal component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_therm(omega, npool=1):
    """Remove the thermal component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.

    Parallelization is implemented using the `multiprocessing` module. The number of
    process to run is controlled by the `npool` argument.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.
    npool : int, default 1
        Number of parallelized worker process to use.

    omega_corr : OMEGAdata
        The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from
        the thermal component.
    # Test correction
    if omega.therm_corr:
        print("\033[1;33mThermal correction already applied\033[0m")
        return deepcopy(omega)
    # Initialisation
    global _omega_tmp
    _omega_tmp = deepcopy(omega)
    omega_corr = deepcopy(omega)
    ny, nx, nlam = omega.cube_i.shape
    rf_corr = np.zeros((ny,nx,nlam), dtype=np.float64)
    surf_temp = np.zeros((ny,nx), dtype=np.float64)
    # Itérateur
    it = [(x, y, False) for x, y in itertools.product(range(nx), range(ny))]
    # Correction thermique
    # chunksize = len(it) // npool    # Approx size of each process
    chunksize = 1
    # pool = mp.Pool(npool)
    if (platform.system()=='Windows') and (npool>1):
        print("\033[33mWarning: multiprocessing is currently not available for Windows, npool has been set to 1.\033[0m")
    if (npool==1) or (platform.system()=='Windows'):
        for args in tqdm(it, total=len(it), desc='Thermal correction'):
            sp_rf_corr, T_fit, x, y = _corr_therm_sp(args)
            rf_corr[y,x] = sp_rf_corr
            surf_temp[y,x] = T_fit
        with mp.Pool(npool) as pool:
            for res in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(_corr_therm_sp, it, chunksize), total=len(it), desc='Thermal correction'):
                sp_rf_corr, T_fit, x, y = res
                rf_corr[y,x] = sp_rf_corr
                surf_temp[y,x] = T_fit
    _omega_tmp = None
    omega_corr.cube_rf = rf_corr
    omega_corr.surf_temp = surf_temp
    # Update infos
    omega_corr.therm_corr = True
    omega_corr.therm_corr_infos['datetime'] =
    omega_corr.therm_corr_infos['method'] = '(M1) Calvin & Erard'
    # Sortie
    # tfin = time.time()
    # print('Duration : {0:.0f} min {1:.2f} sec'.format((tfin-tini)//60, (tfin-tini)%60))
    return omega_corr


Remove the thermal component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube, with simultaneous retriving of reflectance and temperature.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.



Name Type Description
omega_corr OMEGAdata

The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from the thermal component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_therm2(omega):
    """Remove the thermal component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube, 
    with simultaneous retriving of reflectance and temperature.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.

    omega_corr : OMEGAdata
        The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from
        the thermal component.
    # Test correction
    if omega.therm_corr:
        print("\033[1;33mThermal correction already applied\033[0m")
        return deepcopy(omega)
    # Initialisation
    omega2 = deepcopy(omega)
    omega_corr = deepcopy(omega)
    ny, nx, nlam = omega2.cube_i.shape
    # Correction spectres
    for x in tqdm(range(nx)):
        for y in tqdm(range(ny)):
            sp_rf_corr, surf_temp = corr_therm2_sp(omega2, x, y, disp=False)[1:]
            omega_corr.cube_rf[y,x] = sp_rf_corr
            omega_corr.surf_temp[y,x] = surf_temp
    # Sortie
    omega_corr.therm_corr = True
    omega_corr.therm_corr_infos['datetime'] =
    omega_corr.therm_corr_infos['method'] = '(M2) Simultaneous refl & temp'
    return omega_corr

omega_data.corr_therm2_sp(omega, x, y, disp=True)

Remove the thermal component in an OMEGA spectrum, with simultaneous retriving of reflectance and temperature.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.

x int

The x-coordinate of the pixel.

y int

The y-coordinate of the pixel.

disp bool

If True display the fitted temperature/reflectance in the console.



Name Type Description
lam 1D array

The wavelength array (in µm).

sp_rf_corr 1D array

The reflectance spectrum, corrected from the thermal component.

T_fit float

The retrieved surface temperature (in K).

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_therm2_sp(omega, x, y, disp=True):
    """Remove the thermal component in an OMEGA spectrum, with simultaneous retriving
    of reflectance and temperature.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.
    x : int
        The x-coordinate of the pixel.
    y : int
        The y-coordinate of the pixel.
    disp : bool, default True
        If `True` display the fitted temperature/reflectance in the console.

    lam : 1D array
        The wavelength array (in µm).
    sp_rf_corr : 1D array
        The reflectance spectrum, corrected from the thermal component.
    T_fit : float
        The retrieved surface temperature (in K).
    # Test correction
    if omega.therm_corr:
        print("\033[1;33mThermal correction already applied\033[0m")
        return omega.lam, omega.sp_rf[y, x]
    # Extraction données
    lam = omega.lam
    sp_rf = omega.cube_rf[y, x]
    sp_i = omega.cube_i[y, x]
    sp_sol = omega.specmars
    ecl = np.cos(omega.inci[y, x] * np.pi/180)
    # Sélection des spectels 5.03-5.09µm (4 derniers voie L)
    i_lam3, i_lam4 = uf.where_closer_array([5.03, 5.09], lam)
    i_lam4 += 1
    def simu_sp_5microns2(i_lams, T, refl):
        i1, i2 = i_lams.astype(int)
        lam2 = lam[i1:i2] * 1e-6    # Conversion en m
        sp_sol2 = sp_sol[i1:i2]
        Blam = uf.planck(lam2, T) * 1e-6    # Loi de Planck enµm-1
        sp_simu2 = refl * sp_sol2 * ecl + (1-refl) * Blam
        return sp_simu2
        # Fit de la température et réflectance
        T_fit, refl = curve_fit(simu_sp_5microns2, (i_lam3, i_lam4), sp_i[i_lam3:i_lam4], #p0=(280, 0.5),
                                bounds=([0, 0], [400, 0.5]))[0]
        if disp:
            print('Temperature = {0:.3f} K   |   Reflectance = {1:.5f}'.format(T_fit, refl))
        # Correction thermique spectre
        Blam = uf.planck(lam*1e-6, T_fit) * 1e-6   # Enµm-1
        sp_rf_corr = (sp_i - Blam) / (sp_sol*ecl - Blam)
    except ValueError:
        # Si fit impossible (infs ou NaN dans le spectre) -> NaN partout
        sp_rf_corr = deepcopy(sp_rf)
        T_fit = np.nan
    return lam, sp_rf_corr, T_fit

omega_data.corr_therm_atm(omega, npool=1)

Remove the thermal and atmospheric component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.

Parallelization is implemented using the multiprocessing module. The number of process to run is controlled by the npool argument.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.

npool int

Number of parallelized worker process to use.



Name Type Description
omega_corr OMEGAdata

The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from the thermal and atmospheric component.

Source code in omegapy/
def corr_therm_atm(omega, npool=1):
    """Remove the thermal and atmospheric component in the OMEGA hyperspectral cube.

    Parallelization is implemented using the `multiprocessing` module. The number of
    process to run is controlled by the `npool` argument.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.
    npool : int, default 1
        Number of parallelized worker process to use.

    omega_corr : OMEGAdata
        The input OMEGA observation, where the reflectance is corrected from
        the thermal and atmospheric component.
    # Test correction
    if omega.therm_corr and omega.atm_corr:
        print("\033[1;33mThermal & atmosphecir corrections already applied\033[0m")
        return deepcopy(omega)
    # Initialisation
    global _omega_tmp
    _omega_tmp = deepcopy(omega)
    omega_corr = deepcopy(omega)
    ny, nx, nlam = omega.cube_i.shape
    rf_corr = np.zeros((ny,nx,nlam), dtype=np.float64)
    surf_temp = np.zeros((ny,nx), dtype=np.float64)
    # Itérateur
    it = [(x, y, False) for x, y in itertools.product(range(nx), range(ny))]
    # Correction thermique
    # chunksize = len(it) // npool    # Approx size of each process
    chunksize = 1
    # pool = mp.Pool(npool)
    if (platform.system()=='Windows') and (npool>1):
        print("\033[33mWarning: multiprocessing is currently not available for Windows, npool has been set to 1.\033[0m")
    if (npool==1) or (platform.system()=='Windows'):
        for args in tqdm(it, total=len(it), desc='Thermal & Atmospheric corrections'):
            sp_rf_corr, T_fit, x, y = _corr_therm_atm_sp(args)
            rf_corr[y,x] = sp_rf_corr
            surf_temp[y,x] = T_fit
        with mp.Pool(npool) as pool:
            for res in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(_corr_therm_atm_sp, it, chunksize), total=len(it), desc='Thermal & Atmospheric corrections'):
                sp_rf_corr, T_fit, x, y = res
                rf_corr[y,x] = sp_rf_corr
                surf_temp[y,x] = T_fit
    _omega_tmp = None
    omega_corr.cube_rf = rf_corr
    omega_corr.surf_temp = surf_temp
    # Update infos
    omega_corr.therm_corr = True
    omega_corr.therm_corr_infos['datetime'] =
    omega_corr.therm_corr_infos['method'] = '(M1) Calvin & Erard - Simultaneous atm (L channel)'
    omega_corr.atm_corr = True
    omega_corr.atm_corr_infos['datetime'] =
    omega_corr.atm_corr_infos['method'] = 'M1 : same reflectance level at 1.93μm and 2.01μm - Simultaneous therm (L channel)'
    # Sortie
    # tfin = time.time()
    # print('Duration : {0:.0f} min {1:.2f} sec'.format((tfin-tini)//60, (tfin-tini)%60))
    return omega_corr

omega_data.find_cube(lon0, lat0, cmin=0, cmax=10000, out=False, data_path='_omega_bin_path', nadir_only=False, recursive_search=True)

Display the available OMEGA/MEx cubes with observations of the target latitude and longitude, Python translation of the IDL procedure


Name Type Description Default
lon0 float

The target longitude (in degrees).

lat0 float

The target latitude (in degrees).

cmin float

The minimum orbit number.

cmax float

The maximum orbit number.

out bool

If True → return output

data_path str

The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) and navigation (.NAV) files.

nadir_only bool

If True → Only cubes with nadir pointing will be returned.

recursive_search bool

If True, enable the search for the .NAV files in subdirectories from data_path.



Name Type Description
cub_list array - like

List of matching observations.
Format : (orbit, x, y, dmin, altMEx, inci, emer, phas, loct, Ls, MY)

Source code in omegapy/
def find_cube(lon0, lat0, cmin=0, cmax=10000, out=False, data_path='_omega_bin_path',
              nadir_only=False, recursive_search=True):
    """Display the available OMEGA/MEx cubes with observations of the target
    latitude and longitude, Python translation of the IDL procedure ``.

    lon0 : float
        The target longitude (in degrees).
    lat0 : float
        The target latitude (in degrees).
    cmin : float, default 0
        The minimum orbit number.
    cmax : float, default 10000
        The maximum orbit number.
    out : bool, default False
        If `True` --> return output
    data_path : str, default _omega_bin_path
        The path of the directory containing the data (.QUB) and 
        navigation (.NAV) files.
    nadir_only : bool, default False
        If `True` --> Only cubes with nadir pointing will be returned.
    recursive_search : bool, default True
        If `True`, enable the search for the .NAV files in subdirectories
        from `data_path`.

    cub_list : array-like
        List of matching observations.</br>
        `Format : (orbit, x, y, dmin, altMEx, inci, emer, phas, loct, Ls, MY)`
    # Default path
    if data_path == "_omega_bin_path":
        data_path = _omega_bin_path
    # Internal function testin
    def testin(x0, y0, x1, y1):
        """Internal function for find_cube: test if the point of coordinates 
        (x0, y0) is include in the (x1, y1) grid.

        x0 : float
            X-coordinate of the point.
        y0 : float
            Y-coordinate of the point.
        x1 : 1D array
            X-coordinates of the observation.
        y1 : 1D array
            Y-coordinates of the observations.

        res : bool
            | True if the point (x0, y0) is in the observation grid.
            | False if it's not.
        nb = len(x1)
        x2 = np.concatenate([x1, [x1[0]]])
        y2 = np.concatenate([y1, [y1[0]]])
        dx = x2 - x0
        dy = y2 - y0
        atot = 0
        for n in range(nb):
            ps = dx[n] * dx[n+1] + dy[n] * dy[n+1]
            pv = dx[n] * dy[n+1] - dx[n+1] * dy[n]
            atot = atot + np.arctan2(pv, ps)
        if np.abs(atot) > 3:
            return True
            return False
    # Initialization
    res_folder = os.path.join(package_path, 'res_findcube')
    trans = np.pi / 180
    x0 = np.cos(lon0*trans) * np.cos(lat0*trans)
    y0 = np.sin(lon0*trans) * np.cos(lat0*trans)
    z0 = np.sin(lat0*trans)

    x1, y1 = np.zeros((2, 10))
    nomc = []

    nomout = os.path.join(res_folder, 'orbites_lg{lon:.0f}lt{lat:.0f}.dat'.format(lon=lon0, lat=lat0))
    path_cubliste = os.path.join(res_folder, 'cubelist')
    path_cubindex = os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'cubindex.ref')
    with open(path_cubliste, 'w') as f:
        f.write('# long: {lon:7.3f}  lat: {lat:7.3f}\n\n'.format(lon=lon0, lat=lat0))
        f.write('#{0:^9s} {1:^6s}{2:^6s}{3:^8s}{4:^9s}{5:^7s}{6:^8s}{7:^8s}{8:^8s}{9:^8s}{10:^4s}\n'.format(
                'orbit', 'x', 'y', 'dmin', 'altMEx', 'inci', 'emer', 'phas', 'loct', 'Ls', 'MY'))
    with open(nomout, 'w') as f:
    nhits = 0
    geocube = 0
    cubindex = open(path_cubindex, 'rb')
    # Search for matching observations
    # South pole
    if lat0 <= -60:
        for ncube in range(10000):
            nomcube = cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', '')
            norb = int(nomcube[3:7])
            if norb == 0:
                break   # End of file
            lon1 = np.fromstring(cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', ''), sep=' ')
            lat1 = np.fromstring(cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', ''), sep=' ')
            if (norb < cmin) or (norb > cmax):
            if np.min(lat1) > -60:
            x1 = np.cos(lon1*trans) * np.cos(lat1*trans)
            y1 = np.sin(lon1*trans) * np.cos(lat1*trans)
            if testin(x0, y0, x1, y1):
                nhits += 1
    # North pole
    elif lat0 >= 60:
        for ncube in range(10000):
            nomcube = cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', '')
            norb = int(nomcube[3:7])
            if norb == 0:
                break   # End of file
            lon1 = np.fromstring(cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', ''), sep=' ')
            lat1 = np.fromstring(cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', ''), sep=' ')
            if (norb < cmin) or (norb > cmax):
            if np.max(lat1) < 60:
            x1 = np.cos(lon1*trans) * np.cos(lat1*trans)
            y1 = np.sin(lon1*trans) * np.cos(lat1*trans)
            if testin(x0, y0, x1, y1):
                nhits += 1
    # Intermediate region
        for ncube in range(10000):
            nomcube = cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', '')
            norb = int(nomcube[3:7])
            if norb == 0:
                break   # End of file
            lon1 = np.fromstring(cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', ''), sep=' ')
            lat1 = np.fromstring(cubindex.readline().decode('utf8').replace('\n', ''), sep=' ')
            if (norb < cmin) or (norb > cmax):
            x1 = np.cos(lon1*trans) * np.cos(lat1*trans)
            y1 = np.sin(lon1*trans) * np.cos(lat1*trans)
            z1 = np.sin(lat1*trans)
            ps = x0*x1 + y0*y1 + z0*z1
            if np.max(ps) < 0.85:
            lon2 = lon1 - lon0
            i1 = np.where(lon2 < -180)[0]
            if len(i1) > 0:
                lon2[i1] += 360
            i2 = np.where(lon2 > 180)[0]
            if len(i2) > 0:
                lon2[i2] -= 360
            if testin(0, lat0, lon2, lat1):
                nhits += 1
    # Find position & infos for each observation
    print('{0:^10s} {1:^6s}{2:^6s}{3:^8s}{4:^9s}{5:^7s}{6:^8s}{7:^8s}{8:^8s}{9:^8s}{10:^4s}'.format(
            'orbit', 'x', 'y', 'dmin', 'altMEx', 'inci', 'emer', 'phas', 'loct', 'Ls', 'MY'))
    for n in range(nhits):
        if recursive_search:
            testfile = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, '**', nomc[n]+'.NAV'), recursive=True)
            if testfile == []:
                print('{0:8s}{1:s}'.format(nomc[n], '\033[3m   No corresponding .NAV file\033[0m'))
                testfile = testfile[0]
            testfile = os.path.join(data_path, nomc[n]+'.NAV')
            if os.path.exists(testfile) == False:
                print('{0:8s}{1:s}'.format(nomc[n], '\033[3m   No corresponding .NAV file\033[0m'))
        # Data from the geometry .NAV file
        hd_nav = _read_header(testfile)
        npixel, npara, nscan = np.array(hd_nav['CORE_ITEMS'][1:-1].split(','), dtype=np.int64)
        lrec = np.int64(hd_nav['RECORD_BYTES'])
        nrec = np.int64(hd_nav['LABEL_RECORDS'])
        solong = np.float64(hd_nav['SOLAR_LONGITUDE'])
        sslong = np.float64(hd_nav['SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE'])
        point_mode = hd_nav['SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE'][1:-1]
        # Test nadir pointing
        if nadir_only:
            if point_mode != 'NADIR':
                # print('{0:8s}{1:s}'.format(nomc[n], '\033[3m   Non-nadir pointing\033[0m'))
        # Lecture géometrie
        class F_line_nav(ctypes.Structure):
            _fields_ = [('C_line', ctypes.c_int32 * npixel)]

        class F_frame_nav(ctypes.Structure):
            _fields_ = [('F_line', F_line_nav * npara)]

        class F_Qube_nav(ctypes.Structure):
            _fields_ = [('F_frame', F_frame_nav * nscan)]

        fqube_nav = F_Qube_nav()
        skip = lrec * nrec  # taille header (en bytes)
        geocube = np.ndarray((nscan, npara, npixel), np.int32)
        with open(testfile, 'rb') as nav_cube:
            data_hd =  # bytes header
            data_qub = nav_cube.readinto(fqube_nav)     # bytes data

        fqube_nav2 = np.ctypeslib.as_array(fqube_nav.F_frame)
        geocube[:,:,:] = fqube_nav2['F_line']['C_line']
        # On remet dans le même sens que readomega
        geocube = np.swapaxes(geocube, 0, 2)
        longa = geocube[:, 6, :] * 1e-4
        lata = geocube[:, 7, :] * 1e-4
        xa = np.cos(longa*trans) * np.cos(lata*trans)
        ya = np.sin(longa*trans) * np.cos(lata*trans)
        za = np.sin(lata*trans)
        xr = y0 * za - z0 * ya
        yr = z0 * xa - x0 * za
        zr = x0 * ya - y0 * xa
        dist = np.sqrt(xr*xr + yr*yr + zr*zr) * 3393
        distmin = np.min(dist)
        [i0], [j0] = np.where(dist == distmin)
        inci = geocube[i0, 2, j0] * 1e-4
        emer = geocube[i0, 3, j0] * 1e-4
        phas = geocube[i0, 10, j0] * 1e-4
        slant = geocube[i0, 11, j0] * 1e-3
        alt = geocube[i0, 12, j0] * 1e-3
        possible_geom_corruption = False
            Y, M, D, h, m, s = geocube[:6, 1, j0]
            utc_dt = datetime.datetime(Y, M, D, h, m, s)
        except:     # Possible corruption of some geometry lines
            Y, M, D, h, m, s = np.median(geocube[:6, 1, :], axis=1).astype(np.int64)
            utc_dt = datetime.datetime(Y, M, D, h, m, s)
            possible_geom_corruption = True
        my = _utc_to_my(utc_dt)
        loct = _compute_local_time(longa, sslong)[i0, j0]
        obs_output = '{0:9s}{1:6d}{2:6d}{3:8.2f}{4:9.1f}{5:8.2f}{6:8.2f}{7:8.2f}{8:8.2f}{9:8.2f}{10:4d}'.format(
                        nomc[n], i0, j0, distmin, slant, inci, emer, phas, loct, solong, my)
        if possible_geom_corruption:
            obs_output = '\033[3m' + obs_output + '\033[0m'

        with open(path_cubliste, 'a') as f_cublist:
                    nomc[n], i0, j0, distmin, slant, inci, emer, phas, loct, solong, my))
        with open(nomout, 'a') as f_listeobs:
    # Output (if out==True)
    if out:
        cub_list = np.genfromtxt(path_cubliste, skip_header=3,
                                 dtype=None, encoding='utf8')
        return cub_list


Return the array of the Solar longitude of each OMEGA/MEx observation in omega_list.


Name Type Description Default
omega_list array of OMEGAdata

The input array of OMEGA observations.



Name Type Description
ls ndarray

The array of the omega_list Ls.

Source code in omegapy/
def get_ls(omega_list):
    """Return the array of the Solar longitude of each OMEGA/MEx observation in `omega_list`.

    omega_list : array of OMEGAdata
        The input array of OMEGA observations.

    ls : ndarray
        The array of the `omega_list` Ls.
    ls = []
    for omega in omega_list:
    return ls


Return the array of the observation ID of each OMEGA/MEx observation in omega_list.


Name Type Description Default
omega_list array of OMEGAdata

The input array of OMEGA observations.



Name Type Description
names ndarray

The array of the omega_list observations ID.

Source code in omegapy/
def get_names(omega_list):
    """Return the array of the observation ID of each OMEGA/MEx observation in `omega_list`.

    omega_list : array of OMEGAdata
        The input array of OMEGA observations.

    names : ndarray
        The array of the `omega_list` observations ID.
    names = []
    for omega in omega_list:
    return names


Return the vavue of the global private _omega_bin_path variable.


Name Type Description
omega_bin_path str

The path of the OMEGA binary files (.QUB and .NAV).

Source code in omegapy/
def get_omega_bin_path():
    """Return the vavue of the global private `_omega_bin_path` variable.

    omega_bin_path : str
        The path of the OMEGA binary files (.QUB and .NAV).
    return deepcopy(_omega_bin_path)


Return the vavue of the global private _omega_py_path variable.


Name Type Description
omega_py_path str

The new path of the OMEGA python-made files.

Source code in omegapy/
def get_omega_py_path():
    """Return the vavue of the global private `_omega_py_path` variable.

    omega_py_path : str
        The new path of the OMEGA python-made files.
    return deepcopy(_omega_py_path)


Import a list of observations ID from a csv file generated by JMars.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The target path of the csv file.



Name Type Description
liste_obs array of str

The list of observations ID from the csv file.

Source code in omegapy/
def import_list_obs_csv(filename):
    """Import a list of observations ID from a csv file generated by *JMars*.

    filename : str
        The target path of the csv file.

    liste_obs : array of str
        The list of observations ID from the csv file.
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    columns_id = df.columns
    liste_obs = np.array(df['product_id_trunc'])
    return liste_obs

omega_data.load_omega(filename, disp=True)

Load and return a previously saved OMEGAdata object (with save_omega()).


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The file path.

disp bool

Control the display.
| True → Print the loading filename.
| False → Nothing printed.



Name Type Description
omega OMEGAdata

The loaded object of OMEGA/MEx observation.

Source code in omegapy/
def load_omega(filename, disp=True):
    """Load and return a previously saved `OMEGAdata` object (with `save_omega()`).

    filename : str
        The file path.
    disp : bool, default True
        Control the display.</br>
            | `True` --> Print the loading filename.</br>
            | `False` --> Nothing printed.

    omega : OMEGAdata 
        The loaded object of OMEGA/MEx observation.
    filename2 = uf.myglob(filename)
    with open(filename2, 'rb') as input_file:
        omega = pickle.load(input_file)
        if disp:
            print('\033[03m' + filename2 + '\033[0;01;34m loaded\033[0m')
        return omega

omega_data.load_omega_list(basename, disp=True)

Load a list of saved OMEGAdata objects, using load_omega().


Name Type Description Default
basename str

The file path basename.

disp bool

Control the display.
| True → Print the loading filename.
| False → Nothing printed.



Name Type Description
omega_list ndarray of OMEGAdata objects

The array of loaded objects of OMEGA/MEx observation.

Source code in omegapy/
def load_omega_list(basename, disp=True):
    """Load a list of saved OMEGAdata objects, using `load_omega()`.

    basename : str
        The file path basename.
    disp : bool, default True
        Control the display.</br>
            | `True` --> Print the loading filename.</br>
            | `False` --> Nothing printed.

    omega_list : ndarray of OMEGAdata objects
        The array of loaded objects of OMEGA/MEx observation.
    path_list = glob.glob(basename)
    omega_list = []
    for i in range(len(path_list)):
        omega_list.append(load_omega(path_list[i], disp))
    return np.array(omega_list)

omega_data.load_omega_list2(liste_obs, therm_corr=True, atm_corr=True, **kwargs)

Load a list of saved OMEGAdata objects, using load_omega().


Name Type Description Default
liste_obs array of str

List of OMEGA/MEx observations ID.

therm_corr bool or None

| True → Only results with thermal correction.
| False → Only results without thermal correction.
| None → Both with and without thermal correction.

atm_corr bool or None

| True → Only results with atmospheric correction.
| False → Only results without atmospheric correction.
| None → Both with and without atmospheric correction.


Optional arguments for autoload_omega().



Name Type Description
omega_list list of OMEGAdata objects

The list of loaded objects of OMEGA/MEx observation.

Source code in omegapy/
def load_omega_list2(liste_obs, therm_corr=True, atm_corr=True, **kwargs):
    """Load a list of saved OMEGAdata objects, using `load_omega()`.

    liste_obs : array of str
        List of OMEGA/MEx observations ID.
    therm_corr : bool or None, default None
        | `True` --> Only results with thermal correction.</br>
        | `False` --> Only results without thermal correction.</br>
        | `None` --> Both with and without thermal correction.
    atm_corr : bool or None, default None
        | `True` --> Only results with atmospheric correction.</br>
        | `False` --> Only results without atmospheric correction.</br>
        | `None` --> Both with and without atmospheric correction.
        Optional arguments for `autoload_omega()`.

    omega_list : list of OMEGAdata objects
        The list of loaded objects of OMEGA/MEx observation.
    omega_list = []
    Nabs = 0
    OBC = readsav(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'OBC_OMEGA_OCT2017.sav'))
    good_orbits_OBC = np.array(OBC['good_orbits'][0], dtype=int)
    for i, obsname in enumerate(tqdm(liste_obs)):
        omega = autoload_omega(obsname, therm_corr=therm_corr, atm_corr=atm_corr, disp=False,
        if omega is None:
            Nabs += 1
        if not omega.orbit in good_orbits_OBC:
        if omega.quality == 0:
        if != 'MARS':
        if omega.mode_channel != 1:
        if omega.data_quality == 0:
        if omega.point_mode == 'N/A':
        if (int([-1]) == 0) and (omega.npixel == 64) and (omega.bits_per_data == 1):
        # if omega.npixel == 16:
            # continue
    Ntot = len(liste_obs)
    Nacc = len(omega_list)
    Nrej = Ntot - Nacc - Nabs
    print('\n\033[1m{0} observations in list_obs\n'.format(Ntot) +
          '{0} loaded, {1} rejected, {2} not found\033[0m\n'.format(Nacc, Nrej, Nabs))
    return omega_list

omega_data.omega_mask(omega, emer_lim=None, inci_lim=None, tempc_lim=None, limsat_c=None, hide_128=True, reject_low_quality=False)

Return a mask to remove the bad, corrupted or undesired pixels of an observation.


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA observation data.

emer_lim float or None

The maximum emergence angle.

inci_lim float or None

The maximum incidence angle.

tempc_lim float or None

The maximum temperature for the C-channel.

limsat_c float or None

The maximum value of the C-channel saturation [DN]. The maximum value in DN for the spectel #40 (i.e., λ=1.486μm).

See Vincendon et al. (2015) or Stcherbinine et al. (2021).

hide_128 bool

If True, hide the corrupted columns for 128-px wide cubes affected.

reject_low_quality bool

Reject observations flagged as low quality, as defined in Stcherbinine et al. (2021).
I.e., if:

  • omega.data_quality == 0 → Low quality
  • or not omega.orbit in good_orbits_OBC → Not in "good orbits" file
  • or omega.quality == 0
  • or (numCube == 0) and (npixel == 64) and (omega.bits_per_data == 1)
  • or != 'MARS' → Mars pointing only
  • or omega.mode_channel != 1 → All 3 channels required
  • or omega.point_mode == 'N/A' → Unknown pointing informations


Name Type Description
mask 2D array

The array that identify the bad/corrupted pixels to remove.
| 1 → Good pixel
| NaN → Bad pixel

Source code in omegapy/
def omega_mask(omega, emer_lim=None, inci_lim=None, tempc_lim=None, limsat_c=None,
               hide_128=True, reject_low_quality=False):
    """Return a mask to remove the bad, corrupted or undesired pixels of an observation.

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA observation data.
    emer_lim : float or None, default None
        The maximum emergence angle.
    inci_lim : float or None, default None
        The maximum incidence angle.
    tempc_lim : float or None, default None
        The maximum temperature for the C-channel.
    limsat_c : float or None, default None
        The maximum value of the C-channel saturation [DN].
        The maximum value in DN for the spectel #40 (*i.e., λ=1.486μm*).
        > See Vincendon et al. (2015) or Stcherbinine et al. (2021).
    hide_128 : bool, default True
        If `True`, hide the corrupted columns for 128-px wide cubes affected.
    reject_low_quality : bool, default False
        Reject observations flagged as low quality, as defined in Stcherbinine et al. (2021).</br>
        I.e., if: 

         *  `omega.data_quality == 0` --> Low quality
         *  or `not omega.orbit in good_orbits_OBC` --> Not in "good orbits" file
         *  or `omega.quality == 0`
         *  or `(numCube == 0) and (npixel == 64) and (omega.bits_per_data == 1)` 
         *  or ` != 'MARS'` --> Mars pointing only
         *  or `omega.mode_channel != 1` --> All 3 channels required
         *  or `omega.point_mode == 'N/A'` --> Unknown pointing informations

    mask : 2D array 
        The array that identify the bad/corrupted pixels to remove.</br>
        | `1` --> Good pixel</br>
        | `NaN` --> Bad pixel
    # Initialisation
    mask = np.ones((omega.nscan, omega.npixel))
    numCube = int([-1], 16)
    npixel = omega.npixel
    summation = omega.summation
    OBC = readsav(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'OBC_OMEGA_OCT2017.sav'))
    good_orbits_OBC = np.array(OBC['good_orbits'][0], dtype=int)
    # Rejected cubes : NaN everywhere
    if reject_low_quality:
        test_rej = ( 
            (omega.data_quality == 0)   # Low quality
            or (not omega.orbit in good_orbits_OBC) # Not in "good orbits" file
            or (omega.quality == 0)
            or ((numCube == 0) and (npixel == 64) and (omega.bits_per_data == 1)) 
            or ( != 'MARS') # Mars pointing only
            or (omega.mode_channel != 1)    # All 3 channels required
            or (omega.point_mode == 'N/A')  # Unknown pointing informations
            # or (omega.npixel == 16)
        if test_rej:
            print('\033[1mObservation {0} rejected because of low data quality.\033[0m'.format(
            return mask
    # Create mask
    # Modes 128
    if (npixel == 128) and hide_128:
        if omega.orbit >= 511:
            # print("Mode 128 pixels observation")
            mask[:, 80:96] = np.nan
        if (omega.orbit >= 2124) and (omega.orbit <= 3283):
            mask[:, 64:] = np.nan
    # Calibration lines C-channel for cubes 0
    if numCube == 0:
        if npixel == 16:
            mask[:192] = np.nan
        elif npixel == 32:
            mask[:96] = np.nan
        elif npixel == 64:
            mask[:48] = np.nan
        elif npixel == 128:
            if summation == 1:
                mask[:24] = np.nan
            elif summation == 2:
                mask[:12] = np.nan
            elif summation == 4:
                mask[:6] = np.nan
    # Calib lines VIS-channel for all cubes
    else:   # Already included in C-channel calib lines for cubes 0
        if npixel == 16:
            mask[:56] = np.nan
        elif npixel == 32:
            mask[:28] = np.nan
        elif npixel == 64:
            mask[:14] = np.nan
        elif npixel == 128:
            if summation == 1:
                mask[:7] = np.nan
            elif summation == 2:
                mask[:3] = np.nan
            elif summation == 4:
                mask[0] = np.nan
    # Remove 4 last lines
    mask[-4:] = np.nan
    # Incidence angle limit
    if not (inci_lim is None):
        mask[omega.inci > inci_lim] = np.nan
    # Emergence angle limit
    if not (emer_lim is None):
        mask[omega.emer > emer_lim] = np.nan
    # C-channel temperature limit
    if not (tempc_lim is None):
        mask[omega.sensor_temp_c > tempc_lim] = np.nan
    # C-channel saturation criterion limit
    # (cf Vincendon et al. (2015) or Stcherbinine et al. (2021))
    if not (limsat_c is None):
        mask[omega.saturation_c < limsat_c] = np.nan
    # Output
    return mask

omega_data.save_omega(omega, savname='auto', folder='', base_folder='_omega_py_path', pref='', suff='', disp=True)

Save an OMEGA object at the selected path using the pickle module.

Final_path = base_folder + folder + savname


Name Type Description Default
omega OMEGAdata

The OMEGA/MEx observation object.

savname str

The saving filename.
| If 'auto'savname = 'pref_omega.name_ext.pkl'

folder str

The subfolder to save the data.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

pref str

The prefix of the savname.

suff str

The suffix of the savname.

disp bool

Control the display.
| True → Print the saving filename.
| False → Nothing printed.

Source code in omegapy/
def save_omega(omega, savname='auto', folder='', base_folder='_omega_py_path',
               pref ='', suff='', disp=True):
    """Save an OMEGA object at the selected path using the pickle module.

    `Final_path = base_folder + folder + savname`

    omega : OMEGAdata
        The OMEGA/MEx observation object.
    savname : str, default 'auto'
        The saving filename.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `savname = 'pref_omega.name_ext.pkl'`
    folder : str, default ''
        The subfolder to save the data.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    pref : str, default ''
        The prefix of the savname.
    suff : str, default ''
        The suffix of the savname.
    disp : bool, default True
        Control the display.</br>
            | `True` --> Print the saving filename.</br>
            | `False` --> Nothing printed.
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    # Initialisation nom fichier auto
    if savname == 'auto':
        if (len(suff)>0) and (suff[0] != '_'):
            suff = '_' + suff
        if (len(pref)>0) and (pref[-1] != '_'):
            pref = pref + '_'
        savname = '{pref}{name}{suff}.pkl'.format(, pref=pref, suff=suff)
    # Chemin sav fichier
    target_path = os.path.join(base_folder, folder, savname)
    # Sauvegarde pickle
    with open(target_path, 'wb') as output:
        pickle.dump(omega, output)
    if disp:
        print('\033[01;34mSaved as \033[0;03m' + target_path + '\033[0m')


Set the global private _omega_bin_path variable to new_path.


Name Type Description Default
new_path str

The new path of the OMEGA binary files (.QUB and .NAV).

Source code in omegapy/
def set_omega_bin_path(new_path):
    """Set the global private `_omega_bin_path` variable to new_path.

    new_path : str
        The new path of the OMEGA binary files (.QUB and .NAV).
    if not isinstance(new_path, str):
        raise ValueError('new_path must be a str')
    global _omega_bin_path
    _omega_bin_path = new_path


Set the global private _omega_py_path variable to new_path.


Name Type Description Default
new_path str

The new path of the OMEGA python-made files.

Source code in omegapy/
def set_omega_py_path(new_path):
    """Set the global private `_omega_py_path` variable to new_path.

    new_path : str
        The new path of the OMEGA python-made files.
    if not isinstance(new_path, str):
        raise ValueError('new_path must be a str')
    global _omega_py_path
    _omega_py_path = new_path


Return a list of wavelength shared by all the input wavelength arrays.


Name Type Description Default
lam_list list of 1D np.array

The list of wavelength array.



Name Type Description
lam2 1D np.array

The wavelength array that contains only wavelength shared by all the arrays of lam_list.

Source code in omegapy/
def shared_lam(lam_list):
    """Return a list of wavelength shared by all the input wavelength arrays.

    lam_list : list of 1D np.array
        The list of wavelength array.

    lam2 : 1D np.array
        The wavelength array that contains only wavelength shared by all the arrays of
    lam0 = deepcopy(lam_list[0])
    lam2 = []
    for lami in lam0:
        test = True
        for lam_array in lam_list:
            if not (lami in lam_array):
                test = False
        if test:
    lam2 = np.array(lam2)
    return lam2


Return a list of wavelength shared by all the wavelength arrays of the input OMEGA/MEx observations.


Name Type Description Default
omega_list list of OMEGAdata

The list of OMEGA/MEx observations.



Name Type Description
lam2 1D np.array

The wavelength array that contains only wavelength shared by all the arrays of lam_list.

Source code in omegapy/
def shared_lam_omegalist(omega_list):
    """Return a list of wavelength shared by all the wavelength arrays of the input
    OMEGA/MEx observations.

    omega_list : list of OMEGAdata
        The list of OMEGA/MEx observations.

    lam2 : 1D np.array
        The wavelength array that contains only wavelength shared by all the arrays of
    lam0 = deepcopy(omega_list[0].lam)
    lam2 = []
    for lami in lam0:
        test = True
        for omega in omega_list:
            if not (lami in omega.lam):
                test = False
        if test:
    lam2 = np.array(lam2)
    return lam2


Test the quality of an OMEGA/MEx observation from the header informations witout open it.


Name Type Description Default
obs str

The name of the OMEGA observation.



Name Type Description
test_quality bool

| True → Accepted observation.
| False → Rejected observation.

Source code in omegapy/
def test_cube(obs):
    """Test the quality of an OMEGA/MEx observation from the header informations
    witout open it.

    obs : str
        The name of the OMEGA observation.

    test_quality : bool
        | `True` --> Accepted observation.</br>
        | `False` --> Rejected observation.
    # Recherhe nom de fichier
    data_path = _omega_bin_path
    obs_name = uf.myglob(os.path.join(data_path, '**', '*' + obs + '*.QUB'), recursive=True)
    if obs_name is None:
        return False
    nomfic0 = os.path.split(obs_name)[1][:-4]    # Récupération nom + décodage UTF-8
    numCube = int(nomfic0[-1])
    # Lecture header fichier .QUB
    hd_qub = _read_header(obs_name[:-4] + '.QUB')
    summation = np.int64(hd_qub['DOWNTRACK_SUMMING'])
    bits_per_data = np.float64(hd_qub['INST_CMPRS_RATE'])
    data_quality = np.int64(hd_qub['DATA_QUALITY_ID'])
    mode_channel_tmp = hd_qub['COMMAND_DESC'][34:36]
    if mode_channel_tmp == 'EF':
        mode_channel = 1
    elif mode_channel_tmp == '80':
        mode_channel = 2
    elif mode_channel_tmp == 'C7':
        mode_channel = 3
        mode_channel = mode_channel_tmp
    # Lecture header fichier .NAV
    if glob.glob(obs_name[:-4] + '.NAV') == []:
        return False    # Pas de fichier .NAV
    hd_nav = _read_header(obs_name[:-4] + '.NAV')
    npixel, npara, nscan = np.array(hd_nav['CORE_ITEMS'][1:-1].split(','), dtype=np.int64)
    point_mode = hd_nav['SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE'][1:-1]
    target = hd_nav['TARGET_NAME']
    # Test si cube OK
    if target != 'MARS':
        return False
    elif mode_channel != 1:
        return False
    elif data_quality == 0:
        return False
    elif point_mode == 'N/A':
        return False
    elif (numCube == 0) and (npixel == 64) and (bits_per_data == 1):
        return False
        return True

omega_data.update_cube_quality(obs_name='ORB*.pkl', folder='auto', version=_Version, base_folder='_omega_py_path', recursive=False)

Update the quality attribute of previously saved OMEGAdata objects.


Name Type Description Default
obs_name str

The files basename.

folder str

The subfolder where the data is.
| If 'auto'folder = 'vX', where X is the major release version of the used code.

version float

The version of the target file (if folder is 'auto').
Default is the current code version.

base_folder str

The base folder path.

recursive bool

Option passed to the uf.myglob function.
If recursive is True, the pattern ** will match any files and zero or more directories and subdirectories.
Note: The recursive search option is not compatible with the default automatic paths, as they do not include the ** pattern. One should add it where needed (e.g., in the folder argument).

Source code in omegapy/
def update_cube_quality(obs_name='ORB*.pkl', folder='auto', version=_Version, 
                        base_folder='_omega_py_path', recursive=False):
    """Update the quality attribute of previously saved OMEGAdata objects.

    obs_name : str, default 'ORB*.pkl'
        The files basename.
    folder : str, default 'auto'
        The subfolder where the data is.</br>
        | If `'auto'` --> `folder = 'vX'`, where `X` is the major release version of the used code.
    version : float, default _Version
        The version of the target file (if folder is `'auto'`).</br>
        Default is the current code version.
    base_folder : str, default _omega_py_path
        The base folder path.
    recursive : bool, default False
        Option passed to the `uf.myglob` function.</br>
        If recursive is True, the pattern `**` will match any files and
        zero or more directories and subdirectories.</br>
        Note: The recursive search option is not compatible with the default
        automatic paths, as they do not include the `**` pattern.
        One should add it where needed (e.g., in the `folder` argument).
    # Default path
    if base_folder == "_omega_py_path":
        base_folder = _omega_py_path
    # Initialisation
    if obs_name[-4] != '.pkl':
        obs_name += '.pkl'
    if folder == 'auto':
        folder = 'v' + str(int(version))
    basename = uf.myglob(os.path.join(base_folder, folder, obs_name), recursive=recursive)
    # Load list corrupted obs
    OBC = readsav(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'OBC_OMEGA_OCT2017.sav'))
    good_orbits_OBC = np.array(OBC['good_orbits'][0], dtype=int)
    corrupted_orbits_csv = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(package_path, 'OMEGA_dataref', 'corrupted_obs.csv'), 
                                       comment='#', skipinitialspace=True)
    corrupted_orbits = np.array(corrupted_orbits_csv['corrupted_obs'], dtype=str)
    corrupted_orbits_comments = np.array(corrupted_orbits_csv['comment'], dtype=str)
    # Loop on obs in the selected folder
    fnames = glob.glob(basename)
    if fnames == []:
        print("\033[1;33mNo such file found.\033[0m")
        for fname in tqdm(fnames):
            omega = load_omega(fname, disp=False)
            omega.quality = 1
            if (omega.npixel==128) & (omega.orbit >= 513):
                omega.quality = 128
                omega.add_infos = 'Corrupted 128 pixels cube'
            if omega.orbit not in good_orbits_OBC:
                omega.quality = 0
                omega.add_infos = 'Corrupted orbit'
            if in corrupted_orbits:
                omega.quality = 0
                i_obs = int(np.where([0])
                omega.add_infos = corrupted_orbits_comments[i_obs]
            save_omega(omega, fname, '', '', '', '', False)
        print('\033[1m{0} files updated\033[0m'.format(len(fnames)))


Convert a UTC datetime to the corresponding Martian Year (MY).

Martian Years are numbered according to the calendar proposed by R. Todd Clancy (Clancy et al., Journal of Geophys. Res 105, p 9553, 2000):
Martian Year 1 begins (at a time such that Ls=0) on April 11th, 1955.


Name Type Description Default
dt datetime

The UTC datetime object.



Name Type Description
my int

The corresponding Martian Year.

Source code in omegapy/
def utc_to_my(dt):
    """Convert a UTC datetime to the corresponding Martian Year (MY).

    Martian Years are numbered according to the calendar proposed by R. Todd Clancy 
    *(Clancy et al., Journal of Geophys. Res 105, p 9553, 2000)*: </br>
    Martian Year 1 begins (at a time such that Ls=0) on April 11th, 1955.

    dt : datetime.datetime
        The UTC datetime object.

    my : int
        The corresponding Martian Year.
    datetime_my1 = datetime.datetime(1955, 4, 11)   # Start MY 1
    my_sol_duration = 668.6     # Nb of Martian sols during a MY
    sol_sec_duration = 88775.245    # Duration of a sol in seconds
    my = int( (dt - datetime_my1).total_seconds() // (my_sol_duration * sol_sec_duration)) + 1
    return my