OMEGA software (IDL version) release SOFT08 april 2012 ******************************************************** changes from SOFT01 to SOFT02 - new version of readomega which includes flat-fielding and second order corrections for the VIS channel - new photometric function (mtf050110_25.dat and mtf050110_50.dat) with some adjustments for the VIS channel Instrumental problems: - additional information on bad spectels - additional information on a possible digital saturation of the dark in the L channel - complementary remarks on the co-registration of channels, with a warning on the validity range of the L channel - numerical perturbation for the 128 pixel modes after orbit 511 ******************************************************** changes from SOFT02 to SOFT03 - more detailed explanation on omega_path - improved pipeline for VIS channel deconvolution. The impact of the 2 msec read time of the CCD is now taken into account. the offset correction, bias correction, flat and transfer function in the visible are also modified (new photometric function: mtf050701) new routines:, ! This results in a much improved overlap with SWIR-C at 1 µm. it should however be noted that the visible channel has an effective spatial resolution which is close to 1 pixel along the line, but close to 4 pixels (5 mrad) along the swath. This prevents meaningful comparison of VIS and IR spectra for spectral features of very small patches (a few pixels), as they are much weaker in the lower resolution VIS channel. - updated information on instrumental effects ******************************************************** changes from SOFT03 to SOFT04 - a new version of readomega is provided, which handles the evolution of IR spectels due to radiation damage. Unreliable spectels are given very low values. An evolving photometric function is used for spectels which are still stable, but with a reduced efficiency (see corresponding section "time evolution of bad and hot IR spectels") a sligthly revised version of the photometric function (for spectel 69) is now implemented so as to be compatible with the new version of readomega - the new readomega also removes an estimate of the thermal background from optics - a routine "" is provided so as to read part of a large cube when memory size becomes a problem the syntax and result are similar to readomega, but the user is requested to provide a number of scans to skip and a number of scans to read in the cube. Entering "0" as the number of scans to read will result in reading all remaining scans ******************************************************** changes from SOFT04 to SOFT05 - recovery procedure for the lack of dark data for the last scan in summed modes (the dark from the previous scan is considered) This resulted in unusable spectra for the last line of summed cubes - update of the source files for following spectel evolution ("bound" and "rap") ******************************************************** changes from SOFT05 to SOFT06 - IMPORTANT !!! this release includes a first cut at the issue of the L channel evolution with time. Specific photometric functions for the L channel are derived for each specific orbit number depending on the evolution of the internal calibration signal. All orbits should now be usable for issues such as temperature measurements which require a reliable photometric response for this channel. Some caution is still required for transition regions between states of the L channel (this can be seen when the photometric function changes rapidly from one observation to the next). the present release provides a first estimate based on internal calibration values up to orbit 6410 (file rapmtflcur.bin). If readomega or readpart is applied to later orbits (which can only be the case for coI's), the following warning: "warning: L channel corrected as for orbit 6410" will be issued, so as to indicate that the L channel correction at that stage is not yet based on actual analysis of the internal calibration results. - update of the source files for following spectel evolution ("bound" and "rap") have been replaced by a currently applicable version (boundcur.dat, rapcur_25.dat, rapcur_50.dat). Those in SOFT06 correspond to spectel evolution until 31/12/2008 ******************************************************* changes from SOFT06 to SOFT07 - implementation of the DATA_QUALITY keyword a data_quality variable is provided as an output of readomega (readpart). It incidates possible problems within the data cube. A data cube is transmitted as sets of 64 spectra ("slices"). There are 500 to 1500 slices in a typical data cube. Each slice is transmitted as 6 TM packets. A typical cube corresponds to 3000 to 9000 TM packets The values of this index are the following: 5 : perfect 4 : one data gap (gap of 40 TM packets or more) 3 : missing data (up to 9 TM packets are missing or corrupted) 2 : acceptable (< 3 gaps, < 10 isolated missing packets) 1 : poor (3 to 5 gaps or 10 to 100 isolated missing packets) 0 : bad (> 5 gaps or > 100 missing/corrupted packets) - update of the source files for following spectel evolution the "currently applicable version" (boundcur.dat, rapcur_25.dat, rapcur_50.dat). Those in SOFT07, including "rapmtflcur.bin", relevant to L channel correction, correspond to spectel evolution and flight calibration levels until orbit 7790 (29/01/2010) ********************************************************************** changes from SOFT07 to SOFT08 - IMPORTANT !!! the major change is linked to the loss of the C cooler after orbit 8485. For all subsequent observations, the C channel is not switched on, and many observations use only the VIS channel. The exposure time has been set to 0 for channels which are not switched on (all corresponding data are also set to 0) - implementation of a new visible mtf (mtf120315_25.dat and mtf120315_50.dat) provided by F. Altieri - extension of the L channel correction to orbit 9123 ********************************************************************** changes from SOFT08 to SOFT09 - adjustment of the determination of the "ic" array (valid spectels) so as to eliminate all C channel spectels after orbit 8500 - extension of the L channel correction to orbit 11252 ********************************************************************** changes from SOFT09 to SOFT10 -extension of the L channel correction to orbit 13131 ********************************************************************** unzipping SOFT10.ZIP will create a new subdirectory, SOFT10, so that further releases (SOFT11, ...) will not erase previous versions (this can be useful for comparing the results of the different updates). So as to use the new version, the user should copy the full content of SOFT10 to the OMEGA working directory, from where IDL should be started. IMPORTANT ! The first thing a user should do after unzipping a new software release and copying the contents to the working directory is to modify the file: omega_path in the working directory (from which IDL is run) replacing the first line with the path to the directory where the user puts data files (.QUB), and the second line with the path to the directory where the user puts the geometry files (.NAV) the two directories can be the same a "/" must be appended for UNIX, LINUX... a "\" must be appended for windows An OMEGA observation corresponds to data obtained with the same observation parameters (scan length, integration time for the VIS and IR channels, downtrack summing, compression). There are in general several OMEGA observations for the same orbit, as the scan length is changed depending on the spacecraft altitude so as to best match the sampling rate and the drift velocity on the surface. The OMEGA data files and geometry files are named from the corresponding OMEGA observation: ORBNNNN_S where NNNN is the orbit number (format I4.4) and S is the rank of the OMEGA observation on that orbit (starting with 0). The extensions are .QUB for the data, .NAV for the geometry example: ORB0018_1.QUB and ORB0018_1.NAV correspond to the second observation on orbit 18 (scan length: 32 pixels). The main procedure for reading level 1b OMEGA data is After entering IDL and typing ".run readomega", one has simply to enter the name of the requested OMEGA observation in answer to the query example: IDL (enter) .run readomega (enter) OMEGA observation: obsname (enter) /* obsname example: ORB0072_2 */ **** NOTE **** THE NAME MUST BE ENTERED WITHOUT THE EXTENSION readomega first checks that obsname.QUB exists in the directory indicated by the path for data files in "omega_path". If the cube is not found, it prints: "file OMEGA_PATH_DATA/obsname.QUB not found" and goes back to the query. Otherwise, readomega reads the pds cube, then it look for the corresponding geometry cube obsname.NAV in the directory indicated by the path for geometry files in the "omega_path" file. If there is no such file, it prints: "no corresponding NAV cube". If the NAV file exists, readomega reads the geometry cube. the resulting variables are: idat(npix,352,nscan): integer 16 bits, raw OMEGA data npix: 16, 32, 64 or 128 pixels nscans: number of scans in the cube the 352 wavelengths are in the following order: IR C (128 values), then IR L (128 values), then Visible (96 values) wvl(352) OMEGA wavelengths (file 'lambda_0304.dat'). these wavelengths are valid at the center of the IR and VIS field. The wavelength range changes only slightly across the field of view, in particular in the IR. jdat(npix, 352, nscan): floating point, OMEGA data physical units (W/m2/steradian/µm) There is a second order contribution to the last 35 spectels of the VIS channel, which is corrected. Nevertherless, these spectels are not as reliable as spectels 256 to 315. The L channel (128:255) shows variations in terms of internal calibration signal, which do not correlate simply with DN levels from Mars or Phobos note: the last 4 scans (16 pixels), 2 scans (32 pixels) or 1 scan (64, 128 pixels) of idat and jdat have only IR data (spectels 0 to 255) There is calibration data at the beginning of each cube for the visible channel, at the beginning of the ORBNNNN_0.QUB cubes for the IR channels The number of calibration scans depend on the pixel length (16 to 128) and the summation (1, 2 or 4 for 128 pixel modes) for every cube, the first scan (128 pixels x 4), 3 scans (128 x 2) 7 scans (128 x 1), 14 scans (64 pixels), 28 scans (32 pixels), 56 scans (16 pixels) of the visible channel (spectels 256 and above) correspond to an internal calibration for cubes with names NNNN_0 (first cube in a sequence), the first 6 scans (128 x 4), 12 scans (128 x 2), 24 scans (128 x 1) 48 scans (64 pixels), 96 scans (32 pixels) or 192 scans (16 pixels) of the IR channel (spectels 0 to 255) correspond to an internal calibration (closed shutter, lamp on at 6 different levels, in order 0,4,3,2,1,0 specmars(352): floating point, solar spectrum at the distance of Mars at the time of observations. jdat(i,*,n)/specmars(*) provides the I/F values for the spectral range dominated by reflected sunlight. It is meaningless for the spectral range dominated by thermal emission (usually above 3.5 µm) sdat0(352,nscan): 0:256 contains the corresponding IR dark raw data: sdat0(0:255,n)-idat(i,0:255,n) this can be useful when there are problems with the IR (digital saturation of the dark, detector saturation) detector saturation in the IR (only observed in the C channel with 5 msec integration time) can be checked by plotting: sdat0(0:127,n)-idat(i,0:127,n). If there is a plateau at values close to 300 DN around spectel 41 (the highest DN level), these values are saturated. Perturbations of the dark are most prominent with 16 pixels, 5 msec integration time at high DN levels from channels 20 to 50. A simple way to check for such effects is to plot sdat0(41,*) (dark level for spectel 41, the highest DN level in the signal). If it is not nearly constant, and there is a dip when the signal is high, the dark is perturbed. A non perturbed dark needs then to be recovered from a region of the cube with lower signal values (or another cube from the same orbit). The proper level of the data can then be recovered by: idat(i,0:127,n)=idat -sdat0 (0:127,n) + sdat0 (0:127, unperturbed) With 2.5 msec modes, improper adjustment of the polarization parameter can set part of the L channel dark current (orbits 12xx) (spectels 128 to 255) beyond the 4095 quantization limit. the bottom of the 3 µm band is perturbed This can be checked by plotting sdat0(128:255,n) so as to verify that it does not reach 4095 except for channel 159 (dead). This can be recovered by searching for a non saturated dark in other cubes, then scaling it (0 level = 4290) and shifting it so as to match the part of the dark below 4095 sdat1(npix,7,nscan): housekeeping data as defined in the EAICD exposure (float(3)): integration times for the IR (C channel), the IR (L channel) and the VIS channel. The integration time is the same for IR C and IR L in all foreseen OMEGA modes. It can be either 2.5 msec or 5 msec. the visible integration time is in general set as 50 msec. *** NEW *** the exposure time is set to 0. for channels which are not switched on. A VIS only observation will therefore corresponds to 0., 0. and e.g. 50 msec. there are two photometric functions (352 values per files): mtfYYMM_25.dat (2.5 msec, release of year YY, month MM) mtfYYMM_50.dat ( 50 msec, release of year YY, month MM) The readomega procedure selects the proper exposure time for the IR and for the visible. In the present release, it uses the mtf050110_25.dat nad mtf050110_50.dat files. It also takes into account the summation by two internal to the VIS channel for 128 pixel modes IMPORTANT REMARK: new releases of the photometric function are likely to be necessary as the knowledge of the intrument improves. with this software release, relative variations of 5% or more between spectra are considered reliable. Smaller variations can be related to linearity effects, and should be considered with caution, in particular if they correlated with I/F (linearity). The confidence on the absolute radiometric calibration is at the 15% level. Three sets of photometric functions (040319, 050110 and 050701) are provided, which indicate the importance of updates. The 050701 set is used when computing jdat bits_per_pixel : number of bits per pixel from data compression summation : number of downtrack summations (only for modes with 128 pixels) this parameter can be 1.0, 2.0 or 4.0, in which case both idat and sdat0 have values can be a factor of 2 or 4 higher than in the nominal situation (summation 1.0). This factor is taken care of when computing jdat The corresponding auxiliary pds cube ORBNNNN_X.NAV is read by readomega if available (otherwise the user gets a "no corresponding geometry file" message products: geocube: geometry cube with as many samples and lines as idat, and 51 bands. The definitions of each band are: 0: scan value (in DN) for each pixel 1: information on the time (hr:min:sec:msec) 2: incidence on the ellipsoid (unit: 0.0001°) 3: emergence from the ellipsoid (unit: 0.0001°) 4: incidence wrt the local gravity field (atmospheric science) 5: emergence wrt the local gravity field 6,7 : longitude and latitude of the center of the IR C pixel (0.0001°) 8,9,10: incidence, emergence, phase for the IR C pixel (unit: 0.0001°) 11 : distance in m 12 : altitude (MOLA - ellipsoid) in m if > 65.535 km: altitude above the surface + 65536 m (for limb observations) 13-16: longitudes of the corners of the IFOV (unit: 0.0001°) 17-20: latitudes of the corners of the IFOV (unit: 0.0001°) 21-35: same as 6-20 for the IR L pixel 36-50: same as 6-20 for the Visible pixel More details are given in the EAICD dmars : sun - mars distance, in AU specmars (352 values) : solar spectrum at OMEGA wavelengths at the heliocentric distance of Mars during observations longi : longitude in ° of all OMEGA pixels (C channel) lati : latitude in ° of all OMEGA pixels (C channel) alt : MOLA altitude, in km, for all pixels in the cube (C channel) IMPORTANT NOTE The geocube data set is very useful to obtain a first estimate of the region imaged by each OMEGA cube. Given the remaining uncertainties on position and attitude restitution, the observed variations in alignment of the C and L channel (from 1 to 3 pixels), and the registration problems between spectels, the positionning error is estimated as 3 mrad or better for most cubes. A specific effort using other data sets (in particular comparing the CO2 band strength with MOLA altimetry) is required if one requires a better positioning. another very useful check at medium to high incidences is provided by the comparison between the cosine of the local incidence (geocube(*,8,*) and the actual signal in the continuum (e.g. spectel 11). This check of shadowing is also useful so as to search for clouds (in particular in Hellas) which destroy the otherwise good correlation between the expected illumination (assuming no rayleigh scattering) and actual signal UPDATE ON INSTRUMENTAL PROBLEMS - time evolution of hot and bad IR spectels since ground calibration, IR spectel 158 has been dead "cold" (0 value) and spectel 78 has been dead "hot" (always high values). since orbit 171, spectel 34 is also dead "hot". spectels 78, 171, and 34 from orbit 171 on are replaced by averages of their two neighbours so as not to mess up spectral plots Cosmic ray degradation slowly increases the number of spectels which are very hot (500 DN or more above the dark), but not dead. - 69, 88, 224 since the beginning - 188 since orbit 1147 - 155 since orbit 1990 the following spectels are moderately hot (100 to 500 DN above the nominal dark) at orbit 2000: - 55, 66, 79, 85, 121, 127, 200, 222 for any given cube, dead and hot pixels can be observed by plotting the dark: sdat0(0:255,n). They appear as spikes (upward for 158, downward for the others) very hot pixels are not reliable hot pixels have to be considered with caution, as they can result in spikes in the decalibrated spectra. It is possible to recover most of the information for these spectral values with appropriate filtering tools or by using spectral ratios readomega now automatically handles hot and bad spectels as a function of orbit number. The first orbit after which a problem is observed is provided by the "bound060110.dat" file which generates the "bound" array (256 values, 1 per spectel) orbit 0 means that the problem was observed during cruise, orbit 9999 means that the spectel has not (yet !) evolved. the photometric function (mtf) is multiplied by a factor 1.e30 for spectels which have become unreliable. Otherwise, it is multiplied by a factor which is in general closer to 1 for the 2.5 msec integration time than for 5 msec. An integer array (ic) is generated by readomega. It indicates which indices correspond to usable spectels on that date. "plot,wvl(ic),jdat(pix,ic,line)" will therefore get rid of the spurious values due to unreliable spectels. - time evolution of the L channel The L channel is not fully stable in the cross scan direction. The interval between the C and L channels varies between 1.2 mrad and 3.1 mrad. There are mainly two states, which are correlated with the level of the calibration source in the L channel. when it is high, the separation is minimal. When it is low, the separation is large. There are (up to now) three series of orbit with a nominally high level of the calibration source: - orbits 98 to 511 - orbits 939 to 1221 - from orbit 2000 to 2600, the level slowly increases to reach a value only slightly lower than nominal A careful comparison of signals on bright terrains reveals a likely impact on the L photometric function. the new version of readomega provided by SOFT06 makes possible comparisons between spectra obtained at different levels of the calibration source, as the photometric efficiency is modified accordingly. - numerical perturbation problem for modes with 128 pixels Since orbit 511, pixels 80 to 95 are perturbed every 32 spectels across the 3 spectral ranges. For even lines, these spectels are: [12,13,14,15], [44,45,46,47] ..... For odd lines, these spectels are: [28,29,30,31], [60,61,62,63] .... This can be (to some extent) corrected by replacing these four values by the mean of the corresponding spectels on the previous and next line, which have a different parity